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This time I let my screams ring.

George POV

Adreniline bursts through my system at a terrifying rate as my feet thump off of the patio and onto the dirt ground.

I continue sprinting as I hear shouts coming from the two monsters I left behind. Punz seems like he's laughing while Dream's voice is laced with anger I don't want to feel the wrath of.

I continue running and as I do I take a quick look around. Not a cloud in the sky with the sun shining right overhead, it's a bit offsetting to the scene considering I'm running from a very angry blood thirsty teletubby.

(Sorry not sorry.)

I push the thought aside as I look for an escape route while maintaining my speed.

I can't keep running on the dirt road because Dream would surely catch up and the forest seems thick enough for me to loose him, if I'm lucky.

I take my chances and dive into a nearby gap in the trees just as I hear Dream's shouts of threats nearing.

I wince as my feet make contact with the forest floor, having no shoes is going to make this a lot more difficult.

Pushing the pain to the back of my mind I continue running with Dreams footsteps only nearing.

Leaves and thin sticks crunch beneath my bare feat with my eyes frantically looking for somewhere to run, hide, climb, anything.

The further I go into the forest the more difficult it is to weave through the tall trees, scratchy bushes and roots.

I don't know how long I've been running, but the adrenaline in my system is slowly fading. And with the adrenaline slowly wearing off I finally am able to make out Dream's previously inaudibly shouts and screams.

"Oh GEORGE~! YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING REGRET THIS! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW." He screams at me and I can tell he can't be more than 20 feet behind by now which only causes me to go faster.

I sprint to my maximum speed with my heart pounding endlessly in my chest and my lungs expanding against my ribs causing a forming ache in my side.

I can't let myself get caught but I can't continue like this for much longer.

Tears begin to form in my eyes as they search frantically for a place to go.

"GEORGE! YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS TO STOP BEFORE I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU I SWEAR TO GOD!" Dream yells from behind me and I can practically taste his anger through his voice.

At this point listening to him is starting to seem like a better option.


My feet continue hitting the ground.


Bushes and low tree branches scrape against my legs and arms but I continue none the less.


Tears stream from my eyes and down my face and I can hear Dream's thundering footsteps behind me nearing closer than ever.


I turn my head to the right.


A clearing.

I take a sharp right and run towards the clearing which seams to go down, throwing Dream slightly off track but I know it won't be much good when I hear him scream my name once again not too far behind.

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