Stuck in a Room

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TW: Very brief mention of su!c!de.

No quote for this chapter.

George POV

I spent the rest of the day doing the following. Sleep, cry a little bit, stare at the wall and think.

And with the entire day to do those things, I got a lot of time to come to terms with a few things...

1: I'm going through the 5 stages of grief. I've seen a few patients go through it before, I just never thought it'd happen to me.

2: I already went through the denial thing when going to sleep, and due to not even being able to have any human contact anyways we skipped right on through isolation. Meaning that earlier this morning I entered the 3rd stage. Anger, hence wanting to punch something.

3: I kind of still am going through the 3rd stage, and instead of wanting to punch something, I want to punch someone. Dream.

4: Is this even considered grief? I'm not mourning anything soo... Eh, whatever.

"Ughhh." I groaned out as I quickly paced the room, partially out of stress, and partially out of anger.

I stopped thinking internally, and instead started saying my thoughts out loud. Even though I haven't been in this room for that long, but the silence was killing me.

"I mean why did this happen to me? At this time?" I said quietly so Dream wouldn't hear me, but my voice still retained the same anger it would if I were yelling.

"Just when I was starting to things with my weekend and hang out with Wilbur and his friends more so I could actually have a social life!" Speaking of Wilbur and his friends...

"Why couldn't Punz have seen me when he was driving by? Then I wouldn't have foolishly wandered into a dark alley way at night!"

"How could I have been so stupid?! That's how everyone gets kidnapped in books or movies. They walk into a dim alley way then get themselves murdered or something."

"Why can't I be like I am in the movie theater watching that happen? See the characters obvious foolishness beforehand and then just walk away."

"It's like Wilbur even foreshadowed this too! He told me to stay safe and even offered me a way to do so!"

"But noooo, I just had to decline his offer because I didn't want to take away from his time."

"You know what? I blame my no good, son of a bitch, father for that one. Always making me feel like I'm an inconvenience, a pain to have around that nobody wanted."

"You know-"

I was cut off from my thoughts when a faint noise was heard from somewhere upstairs.

It was quiet, and I had to listen closely to be able to hear it.

It sounded like... A chain saw?

No. That can't be right, this sound has a bit of a higher pitch?... Maybe?

Dream POV

It turns out I was wrong about having all the right parts. The metal bit that will be on his neck wasn't quite the right shape or size.

So, I decided to improvise.

I got some scraps of metal, went outside, and started welding.

One of the annoying things about welding is it's incredibly loud. However, I have things to block out the sound so I don't burst my eardrums.

It's about 5 in the afternoon, which gave me plenty of time to do this before sunset.

I wonder if George can hear me.

(There was a time a few years ago where my dad would be outside welding for what felt like hours at a time. IT WAS SO LOUD AND ANNOYING. Anyways, back to the story.)

George POV

I don't know how long its been but it's been at least 20 minutes and the noise hasn't stopped.

Is this some method of torture Dream is using?

Because if so.

End me now.

"La la la la la la la." I said while plugging my ears, laying down on the floor and staring up at the ceiling.

Even though the sound was faint, the same constant noise was enough to be very annoying.

It's like when you notice some slight detail that's off in a room and then from that point onward it's all you can notice whenever you go in that room.

I remove my hands from my hears and drag them down my face and groan.

I stare up at the ceiling for a moment and-


I think the noise stopped.



"What ever being or beings are up there... Thank you." I said, truly grateful the noise stopped.

Thankful that I could finally have some quiet, the opposite of what I wanted earlier, I got up from my place on the floor and laid down onto the the uncomfortable bed and it's blanket, still not getting under it.

Maybe this time when I go to sleep I'll wake up back home?...

It didn't work last time but... I mean... You never know right?

Maybe I hit my head and have been in a coma? I've heard people have lived entire lifetimes in comas.

Welp. I guess we can just hope for the best.

Dream POV

I finally finished welding the shape for the shock collar.

All I need to do now is program it, add the actual shock part of it, wires and the remote.

It could take a while, but lucky for me I have plenty of time.

After that I made myself some dinner, took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Tomorrow, let's hope my little doctor doesn't try to run away.


Shhhh I know this chapter sucks, I hate it too. The next one will be better.

Words - 961

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now