A Man Named Sapnap and Another From the Basement

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TW: Taking pills (brief), kinda heavy gore (depends if your squiemish ig), heavy blood, needles, surgery.

"H-he's loosing too much blood- there's nothing I can really do Dream- I-"

George POV

Ever just go to sleep and feel like the whole world around you is weightless? Like the blissful feeling you're having is the only thing that matters in the world? Like all your problems and burdens the day brings, disappear for just a little while and that's all you'll ever need. But then some freckled face dumbass wakes you up and all you want to do is punch them in that annoyingly gorgeous face of theirs, but they also kind of kidnapped you so that would be a bad idea. That doesn't change the fact that you want to do it though. I mean who wakes someone up when you know they're gonna have a hangover. Did I mention the hangover? Fuck. That shit hurts.

"George wake the hell up! Wake the fuck up!" He practically screams while shaking my shoulders. Not really understanding him with immediately being met with the horrid feeling of being hungover and being waken up too early, I roll my eyes at him and the pounding headache I have.

I groan. "Whaaatttt" I mumble, bringing my hands up to my half lidded eyes to rub them.

"I'll explain in a second. Just get the hell up right now." Dream said sternly, not looking like he would be accepting any disagreement or complaining.

Slowly hearing the seriousness in his voice, I start to hoist my still sleepy body up while trying to force it awake. With little success might I add.

Slinking out of the warm and comfy bed, it doesn't take long at all before Dream gets annoyed at my perfectly reasonable tiredness and he grabs my arm and picks me up before he starts rushing out of the room with me in his arms.

What is this even about? Yesterday Dream was in such a good mood. Then this?

Dream rushes us down the stairs and barges into the med-room.

Dream sets me down on the metal table and puts his hand on either side of me on the table before looking me dead in the eyes with a serious expression that makes me gulp in fear.

Did I do something?

"One of my close friends has been severely injured. I don't know how injured or what with, all I know is that it's bad. I need you to try your best to help him, got it? So get everything you can, prepared and ready. I can help you get things set out too. He could be here any minute so we gotta work fast."

Well shit.

I snap myself awake and stare at him widely as I nod.

Holy fucking shit.


We immediately start rushing around the room grabbing supplies and setting it on a table.

About 10 minutes in I hear a "Hey, George." from across the room and I turn to see Dream holding a bottle of pills. He tosses one to me and I barely catch it before inspecting it. "It'll help with the hangover." He says simply and I give him a grateful smile as I take the small pill and swallow it quickly.

With that we continued laying out things.

Setting things out ended up being very difficult. Partially because I didn't even know what we were preparing for, and partially because I'm still unfamiliar with where things are and Dream doesn't know the name of half the items.

Once I finally start feeling the relief of having a good amount of things ready, the usually normal sound, but in this case horrifying sound, of tires rolling in outside reaches my ears and both I and Dream freeze as we go dead silent.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now