A Life For A Life

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TW: Blood, self blame, dramatic death, restriction of free will with threats

Okay so I started writing this and it was really boring and was gonna be a filler chapter. BUT then I was all like ✨but what if drama ✨. So here you guys go.

"I don't want to force you, but if I have to bring a gun into the situation, I will."

George POV

I know exactly what Dream meant when he said "do what you've gotta do." But here I am. Not quite sure I want to believe it.

"Dream I-" The blond cuts me off.

"Its not anything difficult, George. Just transfer some of this mans blood over to Sapnap." He stated, slight annoyance showing in his tone.

My eyes traveled to the man being held up by Dream. His head hung low, cuts, gashes and bruises ravished his body, and blood slowly dripped down from an unknown area to create a small pool at his unsteady feet.

Whoever this man is, he can't afford to lose anymore blood than what I can reasonably assume he's already lost.

If he loses anymore... He dies... If Sapnap doesn't get anymore... He dies.

Well shit.

"Dream, I can't." I say, my voice breaking towards the end.

This is a decision I'd never really think that I'd have to face as a doctor.

Save a dying person only to kill another.

"What?" Dream spat, causing me to finally lift my eyes from the man in his grasp. "What do you mean 'you can't'?" He asked harshly.

My breath wavered slightly. "Dream, he'll die if he loses much more blood. You're asking me to trade one mans life for another- I can't do that." I explained sorrowfully.

I don't know what exactly I expected as a reaction from Dream. But I definitely did not expect to see his gaze on me sharpen into a dangerous glare. As for Punz in the background, he stared at me with a dropped jaw and wide eyes.

"George."  Dream practically growled. "It seems you don't understand the situation. You give Sapnap a blood transfusion from this man. Donor;" He gestured toward the man still dripping blood on the floor. "Recipient." He pointed to Sapnap. "They're simple instructions. What you don't seem to be getting, is that I'm leaving no room for negotiation in there." Dream stated, his voice shifting to a maniacal tone towards the end.

I gulped.

"Dream I-i'm a doctor- I can't just k-kill him to maybe keep Sapnap alive! It goes against every moral code I've learned as a doctor. Especially without his consent which I doubt he'll provide-" I was cut off from my ramble. "George." His voice was dangerously low and all words seemed to get caught in my throat and forgotten just at the tone of his voice. "I don't want to force you, but if I have to bring a gun into the situation, I will."

A deadly silence filled the room and tears formed in my eyes.

It felt like minutes before Dream sighed and walked a few paces towards me. "Think of it this way." Dream began. "Both of these two will die if we do nothing. But if we transfer some blood to Sapnap from this guy, one of them can live. I mean, either way this one" He pointed to the man who leaned on him for support and seemed to be looking around the room like he'd only just noticed he's here. "is going to die. So it comes down to, do you want both of them to die or would you rather one of them live." He finished and the room went quiet again aside from the quiet, steady beat of the heart monitor.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now