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"What is going on here?"


George POV

Despite the day being off to a rocky start, I and Dream spent practically the entire day talking and rambling off to each other about the dumbest things together.

The conversations seemed to flow along easily and there were never any long, awkward silences. Instead we seemed to jump from topic to topic with ease. If it weren't for our situation and I just met the blond on the street, I might even call him a friend. Then we would have exchanged phone numbers and talked for hours on end over the phone.

Perhaps in another life we were friends, or even best friends.

And it wasn't like any normal conversation either.

Normally when I'm having a conversation I find myself constantly averting my eyes from theirs. Not being able to maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds without getting uncomfortable.

But this time, I found myself getting lost in those emerald green eyes as he would ramble on about topics he felt passionate about. One of those topics being gaming, specifically Minecraft. One of the many things we had in common. We even found ourselves joking around about the legend of Herobrine and how frustrating it is when creepers blow up our houses.

"God, I mean why would they even add creepers into the game! They're literally so annoying. They're not even that useful. Like if I ever need gunpowder I can just make a ghast farm. I mean really, how often do you need mass amounts of gunpowder before you've even made it to the nether?" Dream asks.

"Never, not even once." I answer immediately. "I mean if your going to make a mob as annoying as a creeper, at least make it insanely useful or something." I add on.

"Yeah. And am I the only one that whenever you're trying to sleep and there's a mob nearby, it's always a fucking creeper, and then when you go out to kill it, it blows up your bed?" Dream asks.

"DUDE that happens to me every single time I swear." I nearly yell the first word.

Dream and I laugh and as the laughter slowly dies down Dream looks at his watch and his smile drops.

"Speaking of bed... It's 10:38, we should probably be getting to bed..." Dream says sadly, neither of us really wanting our conversation to end.

"I guess you're right. But we can continue this tomorrow right?" I ask with hope in my eyes as I look into Dream's sad ones.

"Yeah, of course." A small portion of his smile returning.

My smile widens and Dream slowly stands up to start walking to to basement.

The remainder of my smile fades as I remember I have to return to the basement still after all of that. The harsh reality that had previously faded during the conversation returning in an instant.

Though I think deep down I knew I would return to the basement for the night, but for some reason a sliver of hope remained that maybe me and Dream would pass out on the couch or Dream would allow me to sleep elsewhere. But the moment it became evident Dream was walking towards the basement door, it was like that sliver of hope was crushed by a 100 ton boulder.

I slowly rose from my place with my gaze fixed on the floor as I followed Dream to the door and down the stairs.

We followed the regular 'routine' down to the door that led to the 'bedroom' Dream had oh so generously provided me with from the start.

"Go on..." Dream urged me to walk through the doorway.

"Do I..." I started when a forming lump in my through cut me off.

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