Alternate Ending: The Eyes

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TW: Insanity, blood, murder,  MAIN CHARACTER DEATH. Please use caution when reading this as some people may find it VERY TRIGGERING.

3rd Person POV

Sapnap sat staring blankly at the floor before him.

He hadn't slept last night... No... He couldn't.

He could tell something was off about him, him or his surroundings.

Something he couldn't quite explain... He couldn't even tell if this thing that had changed was a good thing or a bad thing.

All he knew was that something wasn't right.

He'd had this feeling ever since his injuries.

At first he thought it was just paranoia, but now he knew something had changed within him.

Something that wasn't supposed to be there.

It started with the creeping feeling that something was there, watching him. But no matter how much he searched, he couldn't find the looming pair of eyes he sensed.

Then came the cravings. They happened out of the blue with seemingly no meaning. He'd suddenly want something sweet, like chocolate, or berries, sometimes even honey or straight sugar itself.

Why was it always sweet?

I mean sure, candies and sweets were great, but why did he suddenly crave them?

After the food cravings, he started wanting other things with indescribable desire. It could be anything from a new outfit to ripping away the sheets on his bed in the guest bedroom because the sheets were white and he wanted red. He didn't know why. He'd never found himself picky about his appearance or surroundings before. But suddenly, he felt like everything had to be a certain way- no... It isn't me wanting these things. Sapnap thought.

It's the eyes.

Sapnap was sure of it. It had to be the things watching him.

Suddenly, another craving hit him like a tidal wave.

He smiled when he realized that this must be something the eyes want him to do.

This craving was different, but Sapnap had a gut feeling he would find it sweet all the same.

This craving...

Was blood.

Sapnap gazed around the room, not sure where the eyes were. Not that it mattered. He knew they were watching him.

"Soon..." He purred out, gazing out into the darkness.


Days passed and the nights began to blur, creating an uneasy whir in Sapnaps mind. He watched the two he temporarily shared a home with. He watched as the fell more in love- it's not like they were hiding it. He watched them cook together, them clean together, them watch movies together and eat popcorn while they laughed and smiled and giggled- and oh Sapnap hated it. The eyes hated it too. He and the eyes wanted nothing more than to wipe those smiles of their faces... With a knife. This was the blood the eyes wanted, and who was Sapnap to deny the eyes?

The two love birds sat on the couch, a blue bowl of popcorn between them while Sapnap sat at the corner of the couch. His eyes were pink and beneath them were purple bags. He hadn't been able to sleep well, the eyes kept on waking him up for things. Things like for candies and sweets, occasionally though, the eyes would wake him and tell him to look outside. When he did, he always saw things moving within the forest, it didn't take long for Sapnap to 'understand' that the eyes were waking him up to protect him.

Now back to the present.

Sapnap rubbed his fingers back and forth at the hem of his shirt. The sensory calmed the eyes so Sapnap often did it when he was idle.

Sapnap wasn't paying attention to the movie like George and Dream. Instead, he was thinking. The eyes had grown angry at Sapnap for taking too long to fulfill its command for blood. Sapnap didn't like making the eyes angry- it made himself feel angry and good things don't happen when he's angry. So Sapnap decided that tonight was the night.

Before long, George and Dream had fallen asleep, and it wasn't much longer before Sapnap stood before them with a large, sharp knife in hand.

The look so peaceful, hands holding, eyelids shut, a soft smile on both of their faces. Sapnap and the eyes grew angrier simply at the sight of it.

Sapnap leaned in close to George, pressing the cold, silvery blade against his throat.

Sapnap was preparing to slice when George's tired eyes fluttered open. "Sapnap...?" He asked, squinting, trying to get a look at Sapnap while the TV continued to blare in the background.

"I'm sorry... But the eyes want blood..." He said, emotionless.

George's eyes went wide and he inhaled sharply to scream and went to move Sapnaps arm away but it was too late and Sapnap had his knife plunged into George's throat.

Dream sprung awake, and although tired, went into action immediately and slammed his fist as hard as he could into Sapnaps face, effectively knocking his tired body out cold.

With Sapnap lying on the floor, Dream not entirely sure if Sapnap was dead or alive, Dream turned to George who's blood was spilling onto the sofa.

Dream rushed over to him and held him. Dream had enough experience with death to know George wasn't going to make it.

He mumbled soft words into his ear, 'I'm sorry''s and 'I love you''s and continued to rock George as he slipped into the darkness.


Don't like this ending? Yeah. Neither do I. That's why it's not the official ending of the book.

This is what I had planned pretty much since the 'unnamed man' first entered the book. I planned it out and everything, but part of me just can't live with an unhappy ending and I felt like this book just didn't deserve it. Happy endings are kinda my thing- okay? But I still didn't want to leave this out since I felt like it seemed like I ended the book kind of abruptly, so I thought this might explain why.

Another reason why I ended this book a little abruptly is because I am so damn excited- LIKE SO DAMN FUCKING EXCITED to start my next book, Fortuitous. It's gonna be so good- I tell you. I HAVE BEEN PLANNING PLOT FOR FORTUITOUS FOR LIKE- 8 MONTHS OR SOMETHING. I will hopefully have the first chapter up in a few weeks.

This book really got me into writing and I just want to give a HUGE thank you to all of you guys. Especially those frequent commenters who have created somewhat of a small community, even if that community is slightly based around my stupid typos (like the bowel incident. If you know, you know.) But yeah, thank you guys so fucking much. Like seriously- seeing the rankings, read count, and vote count grow has given me so much motivation, even outside of writing this one fanfic. When I started this after discontinuing my last fanfic, I never would have dreamed of reaching 120k+ reads- like holy fucking shit guys what the fuck. I know this all sounds really cheesy, but really. Thank you.

Words - 1144

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