Bloody Knuckles

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TW: Main character death (well not really, I promise nobody dies, but this chapter can still be disturbing.)

George POV

For the rest of the day things were simple.

Dream would bring me up for the last 2 meals of the day, we'd eat while he would look on his phone for a lot of it while I'd stare out the window, then after Dream put away the dishes he'd bring me back down to the basement.

I caught a glimpse of his lock screen just before he brang me down here and saw the time was about 7 pm, but I couldn't make out the minutes in time though.

I wonder what he does all day.

Dream POV

"NOOOOOOO."  I screamed.

"AHAHAHA YESSSS." Bad screamed on the other side of the discord call.

Bad is an old fried I've had for a few years now that I met online.

And although he doesn't know it, we're complete opposites. He'd never hurt a fly or be violent unless it's in a video game and he really gets into it. He's also one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

He thinks I'm just a guy who plays too much Minecraft and lives out in the forest for no particular reason.

Where as in reality I've killed more people than I can count and live in the woods so I don't have to worry about anyone hearing my victims screams.




But we get along nonetheless. If he found out what I do, without a doubt he'd turn me in or something.

"How the fuck did you even-"

"Language!" Bad yelled at me. I rolled my eyes playfully, though he couldn't see it, but continued anyway.

"How did you even kill me? You only have iron armor." I questioned, genuinely angered at myself for the most part. I almost always beat him in PVP.

"I backed you into a corner, muffin head." He laughed.

"Oh whatever. Another round?" I asked.

"Actually I can't, Zak and I are going out to eat soon and I don't want to keep him waiting." Zak, someone I'm not actually very fond of but am friends nonetheless. They've been dating for about 3 years now and I'm honestly surprised neither have purposed. "Maybe another time?" Bad asked.

(For anyone who doesn't know, Zak is Skeppy)

"Sure." I agreed.

"Have a nice night!" I say with a smile.

Bad wishes me the same and we both log off for the night.

I decide on an going to bed early for the night and do just that after a nice shower and a change of clothes.




"Dream!" I heard in the distance.

I slowly sit up from my bed.

Did I hear something?


I heard again, this time slightly louder.

The voice seemed to be in distress so I quickly got out of bed and started following the voice.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now