The Rules (plus new book coming soon)

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George POV

"Rules?" I questioned looking at the tiny notepad he held.

"Mhm!" He hummed. "Now c'mere." He gestured for me to sit next to him but I didn't move an inch, only staring at the spot on the couch he told me to sit at.

Once Dream noticed the silence and the stillness in the air, he turned back towards me. "George, c'mon. I won't bite." Dream flashed a quick smile showing his pearly white teeth.

It's understandable why anyone in my position would be hesitant to close the distance between himself and the killer. For a number of reasons actually, like being scared for a main one. Who wouldn't be? The man literally just put a shock collar around my neck.

"George. Get over here. I haven't got all day." Dream's calm and happy attitude took a turn for a stern and almost warning voice.

As much as I really really didn't want to, the warning behind Dream's words were enough to to send me scrambling over to his side.

 Once sitting beside Dream, I leaned over a bit to see the yellow notepad containing Dream's messy handwriting and occasional smudged pen ink.

"I wrote these down so you can look at them later, and I might add some more in the future if I see necessary, but for now we're just going to go with these 10.

1: Listen to everything Dream says.

2: No yelling at Dream.

3: No trying to hurt Dream.

4: No trying to escape.

5: Don't try to steal anything like a phone, piece of technology, or a weapon.

6: No going in any room except the bathroom unless permitted to do so. (especially the med room)

7: No going upstairs to the second floor, unless permitted to do so.

8: No locking doors.

9: No lying.

And 10: Learn to take signals. If Dream seams annoyed or something, avoid doing anything wrong (it's for your own safety). This rule goes along with any gestures, like gesturing you to go somewhere or do something."

Dream finished and looked over to me for a sign of reaction.

Overall the rules seemed pretty simple and for the most part I have already been following them for a while. And though they were restricting, it could be a lot worse.

"Um... Okay?" I let out quietly, not exactly quiet sure how to respond. I mean how does one respond in this sort of situation?

Dream smiled softly and looked at me. "I tried to make them as simple as possible, and the rules are definitely bendable if they need to be here and there."

I nod understandingly and return my attention to the TV.

This is going to be a long week.


Short chapter! I know, sorry, but be grateful because I almost just did a chapter that only had the rules and nothing else.

I haven't had a lot of time to write these past few days so sorry for the late update.

Also, notsofun fact, a chapter will have ONE THOUSAND READS (that's a lot of people, thank you so much) but then only 45 ppl will vote. So to all of those people who DO vote, I seriously cannot thank you guys enough, you have no idea how happy it makes me when I see the number next to the star go up when I wake up in the morning.


Okay enough with that, now for the stuff that you actually care about reading.

(Those of you who are following me will have seen this in the announcements already.)

Drum roll please.

Fortuitous // DNF

Fortuitous: happening by accident or chance rather than design. Prince Clay is troublesome but gets away with everything by abusing his privileges and royal title. They've tried everything to get him under control but he just doesn't seem to care. With the princess that Clay has been arranged to marry since before he was born, on the way, The King is desperate to get his behavior under control. Perhaps a young sorcerer can help with keeping an eye on him? Maybe he'll help with a little more than just the Prince's behavior?

The first couple of chapters will be out either when this book is close to an end, or this book is finished. (Relax, this doesn't mean I'm finishing this book anytime soon.)

The title I might change but this is it for now.

Here's a little more about it.

I'm going to be trying a new writing style where it's 3rd person following Clay and his thoughts. 3rd person POV is something I've never really tried before on a large scale so I'm hoping this goes well.

I will also be using Dream's 'real' name, Clay, which he has said he's comfortable with so don't come at me for this, alright?

Words - 777

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