A Favor

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TW: Gore

"I'm cashing in that favor."

??? POV

Through blurred vision from exhaustion, blood and tears, I make out the distorted image of a blood stained, black leather boot flying towards my face once again.

"C'mon, man. We're gonna be late." Said one of the people to the left of the man who threw a vicious kick to my side yet again. "He's already half dead anyway, let's just get the hell out of here before we miss the show." The same person persisted.

Mr. Smolcock- as I've decided to call him. I wouldn't know his real name because I didn't get the chance to ask before he and his little gang started beating the shit out of me. Anyways, Mr. Smolcock turned to his right and flashed him a disgusting grin showing his yellow, rotting teeth alongside a singular gold one. "Sounds good to me. We can let the stray dogs and cats have at him too." He  chuckled at his own words and a few behind him sniggered. "Let's get outta here."

I let out a sigh of relief that the torture ended. A few of the men behind their leader spat at me as they turned to leave, but I didn't mind that considering my physical state.

As soon as I could no longer see them, I mustered up some of my last remaining strength to crawl over to the corner of the alleyway where one of Mr. Smolcock's goons threw my phone. Every movement brought a searing pain through out my entire body causing me to wince and groan in pain every other second.

Alas, I reach the phone and grip it with my bloodied knuckles. Unsurprisingly, the screen was shattered like a poorly made spiders web from impact. With nothing but doubtful hope, I pressed the power button and let out a breath of relief as the shattered screen sprung to life.

Without hesitation I dialed Punz's number. It would be both crazy and stupid to call the police as a well known criminal. And even if they didn't identify me right away, they would sure as hell ask questions, ones that I couldn't answer without being throne in a prison cell sooner or later.

The phone rang over and over again and with each interval my heart sank more and more.

He would pick up... Right?...

After a few more seconds, the phone stopped ringing abruptly and Punz's groggy voice traveled through.

"Sapnap, what the hell are you calling me at 2 fucking AM for? This better be good." His voice sounds tired and raspy and it's obvious he had just woken up.

"I-" I began but was immediately cut off by my own ragged coughing. My body lurched with every choked cough and my lungs burned with every involuntary movement. And to make maters worse, my eyes only dulled at the feeling of irony blood on my taste buds.

"Shit, man. Are you alright?" Punz asked, finally with a trace of concern in his voice. "Peachy." My voice strained. "I need you to pick me up and bring me to Dreams. I'm cashing in that favor." I moved myself to lean against the alley wall knowing it would be a while.

"Yeah yeah yeah, on my way. Send me your location and stay on the call. I don't need you passing out on me before I get there." Punz chuckled and I hear him rummaging around.

I send him my location and I hear the sound of a car door slamming shut through the phone before the blonds voice rings through the phone again. "So how'd you get in this situation?" He asked with little interest in his voice. He probably just wants to keep me awake but I answer anyway. "I was looking around for some fun and then a group of maybe 5 or 6 came up and I guess they had something against me because they all looked pissed to see me-" I get cut off again by my body's violent lurching and coughs. This goes on for a little before I can finally settle down again to keep talking. "Keep going man, I'm almost there." I nod to myself and continue, trying to keep my mind off the pain and probably multiple fractured and broken bones.

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