A White Mask

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TW: Pills (sleeping pills).

"You know, I was going to go easy on you but now, I'm not so sure."

George POV

"Ye-s." I heard from the voice, just as weak and strained as last time.

As I got closer, I could tell that the voice was coming from behind the dumpster on the left wall of the alley.

It was still quite a ways a way from me but I remained walking slow in order to not startle whoever may be behind the dumpster.

"W-what's your name?" I heard from the voice.

Huh? I haven't even seen this person and they're asking for my name?

I sucked in a breath of the warm, humid, Florida air before responding."George?" I answered unsure of why I was answering. I continued to walk towards the voice.

Just as I rounded the corner the unknown person jumped out, spun me around and pinned me front first against the wall opposite of where this person was originally sitting. It all happened in a blur, I only caught a glimpse of a porcelain white mask with some sort of design on it and a lime green shirt or hoodie before I found myself pinned against the wall. The person had pressed a large amount of their body weight against my back and had my wrists held behind my back.

The left side of my face pressed against the wall harshly and it didn't take long for the shock to wear off enough for me to feel the pain of the small cut that was made horizontally beneath my eye and on my cheek.

"Make a sound and I'll kill you." I heard in a deep, gruff voice from behind me. A moment later I felt something thin and cold be pressed underneath my chin. It wouldn't take a genius to guess that it was some sort of blade.

I felt blood slowly trickle down my cheek from my open cut which now only stung.

As the shock wore off more and more my brain began to comprehend the situation.

I'm going to die...

In a burst of adrenaline I brought up my leg and blindly kicked where the sun don't shine. At least that's where I was aiming for.

The man hurled over in pain and his grip on me released just enough for me to wiggle away from him.

Dang, I didn't expect that to actually work.

I began sprinting out of the alley, the only thing on my mind being getting the hell out of here and how grateful I am that I evaded what that situation would have likely led to. So much to the point where I failed to hear the footsteps coming up behind me.

Just as I was about to make it out of the alleyway I felt a hand roughly grab my wrist and yank me backwards.


The hand that yanked me back used so much force that I managed stumble backwards a good 5 feet and fall backwards.

I felt my back make contact with the hard, concrete floor of the alley way. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain as a wave a pain found its way throughout my back, followed by a pained groan escaping my lips.

A few seconds later I found it in myself to open my eyes, only to see the man hovering above me with a knife pressed against my throat.

Now that I could see him properly I could observe him a bit. He wore a circular white mask and the design on it that I had seen earlier, turned out to be a wide black smiley face. He wore a lime green hoodie with the same smile on the front of it. He had his hood up as well, so I couldn't make out a single facial feature of his.

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