Unfamiliar Surroundings

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Long story short, I got really sick on the cruise and am still recovering so sorry if this chapter is a little shit.

TW: Later in the chapter there will be a TW and I'll tell you what it is at that point.

"Oh George~"

George POV

I wake up and relish in the feeling of warm sunlight raining down on me-

Wait a damn minute. Aren't I in a fucking basement?

For a moment I consider the impossible. Maybe this really was all just a dream. Maybe I'm finally awakening from a dreadful hangover after Wilbur's party. I'll be able to just go back to the way things were like nothing ever happened. Forget about this fucked up nightmare that somehow tricked me into believing so much that it was reality.

Damn. How many times are we gonna go through this?

Almost scared to face the truth, my eyes hesitantly peel themselves open and when not being greeted with the basement nor mine or Wilburs house and instead with a room with sage green walls, I frantically search my surroundings.

I'm in a room- no. Bedroom. On a bed in the middle of the room with a green comforter. The whole room seems to have a green theme, from the dark green, almost black dresser, to the various green posters around the room. I look around a little more and slowly come to vaguely remember the events from last night before I practically passed out.

Just as I begin to observe the various posters scattered about the walls that seemed to be mainly different bands, the sound of a tuned whistle makes its way to my ears followed by the rapid thump of footsteps.

"Oh George~" Dreams sing song voice travels with an unusual amount of joy embedded in it. I shiver. Knowing Dream is pretty much definitely a psychopath at this point, this could be a really good thing, or a very, very bad thing.

The doorknob twists and less than a second later the door swings open to reveal the blond standing there with a sickly sweet smile over his lips.

"Hi, Georgie!" Dream exclaims with happily and starts walking towards me and before I can react or comprehend his wild change of emotion, Dream rushes towards me and basically lays on top of me and buries his head into my chest.

My breath hitches and I feel Dreams hands slowly snake around my waste.

There's a few seconds of unsteady silence before I finally build up the courage to speak. "Dream?" I say quietly, immediately regretting speaking the moment the simple word leaves my lips. "Yeah?" He responds, his voice slightly muffled by him shoving his face into the cloth of my chest. If I wanted to, I could probably look down and shove my nose into the top of his fluffy, dirty blond hair.

"W-what are you doing...?" I ask very slowly and quietly only now noticing the scent of lavender shampoo invading my senses.

"Giving you a hug." Dream responds simply and he nuzzles his face into my chest and I look down to see his lashes flutter shut.

"I- what?" I stutter out, still frozen in place. "Can you hug me back or something? You know, you're usually supposed to return a hug when one is given to you." Dream says softly and ignores my unclear question.

My eyes widen at the request but knowing better than to ruin the good mood, (especially with the alternative of the one he had yesterday) I slowly move my hands to wrap around his back. I feel him relax impossibly more at the touch and I relax my previously stiffened muscles as well.

Dream let out a soft hum of content and gently tightened his hold around my waste. "This feels nice..." He mumbles as he continues to rest his head on my chest. I almost found myself wanting to giggle. Almost.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now