Big clothes. Lil Gogy.

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TW: Mentions of vomit.

"See? Adorable."

George POV

I wake up with the events of last night still flowing through my head at a rapid pace. If I hadn't looked down, I'm sure the rapid thoughts would have continued.

I get up and look at the small mirror in the bathroom to see myself in the same clothing I wore when I went to Wilbur's party, probably only a little less than a week ago at this point. Still in the same baby blue hoodie, blue jeans, and white socks. The converse I had taken of ages ago and put by the foot of my bed.

I guess in all the stress I've been under and the recent events, I had completely forgotten about being in the same damn clothes this whole time. Not to mention I haven't taken a shower in far too long at this point.

Should I ask Dream if I can take a shower and borrow some clothes? Surely he would let me, right?

But then I'd also have to deal with the embarrassment of asking and probably wearing Dream's oversized clothes...

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

I continued to look into the mirror until I heard Dream's footstep coming from down the hallway. I walk back to the bed and set down on it as I begin to contemplate how I'm going to bring this up.

The door opens to reveal Dream standing there and I immediately notice the eye bags and slouched posture.

"What happened to you?" I immediately ask.

"Doesn't matter, c'mon." He gestures for me to follow behind him and I immediately jump to my feet to do so.

As he leads me upstairs it feels almost like a routine already where I would turn away while he punched in the codes to the doors. And just the thought of this 'new life' being some sort of routine made me feel sick to my stomach. It took everything in me to push down the urge to either break down or hurl onto the floor.

As we walked up the stairs Dream seemed to sense my unease and turned to me.

"Are you alright." He asks with a concerned look on his face. Probably because I look like I'm about to throw up.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..."

Maybe now would be a good time to ask...?

"H-hey, I was wondering... Uhm could I possibly take a shower and get out of these clothes?" I asked, suddenly terrified for the answer and Dream's reaction.

"Oh shit, yeah sure." Dream immediately says before continuing to lead me upstairs.

(I'm sorry this chapter is starting off a little slow but I had to have George have a shower at some point. I promise it gets better towards the middle.)

I let out a silent sigh of relief once the sentence left Dream's lips.

Once we made it up the stairs Dream lead me down the hallway and that's when I noticed his left hand. Or more specifically his grossly bruised knuckles. I didn't know whether to be disgusted by the sight or snicker at the fact that if he had just let me put a cast on it, it would be healing a lot better.

Dream quickly lead me to the first door on the right which he opened to reveal a nicely kept bathroom with a large shower.

"I'll go get you some clothes in just a second. In the meantime you can mess with the water temperature." Dream said and quickly left me alone in the bathroom.

The moment he left I felt oddly uncomfortable alone in the small room. I couldn't tell if it was just because this is the first time that I've been alone without Dream upstairs. Or because despite the bathroom being nicely kept, and with a big shower, the actual walking space was very tight.

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