Waffos 2.0

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"George Davidson's case has been closed"

George POV

After finishing up my shower and feeling refreshed, I slipped on the cloths Dream had given me which were oversized as per usual. After that was done I brushed my teeth and I took one step out of the bathroom door and Dream came rushing over me. I froze in surprise and the next thing I knew, I was being scooped off my feet and being carried bridal style over to the couch.

"I- Dreammm" I groaned in annoyance flopping back in immediate defeat.

Seriously. Bridal style. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Do I look like a pretty princess to you?

Dream ignored me and started talking, "So do you want me to change the bandages on your feet before or after you eat?"

I groaned again.

"Before, I guess..." I murmured, grumbling about the events to come. By far, I think that changing those bandages are the worse part of my day.

For one, it hurts like a bitch. And second of all, for some reason the new bandages are always a little stiff and uncomfortable and they take a while to get used to.

Dream sets me down on the couch where the supplies are already waiting for me and I groan again in annoyance. This is just spectacular. He kneels down at my feet and starts slowly taking off the bandages. This is the point where I always turn my head away. Sure I've seen grosser things while working at the hospital, but seeing it on myself is a whole different story.

(One day he'll be kneeling down on 2 knees instead of one😏)

I wince in both pain and relief as I feel the fresh air hit my feet. "Looking better." Dream says softly and I only bite my lip and nod in response as I stare out the window hoping to find something interesting to distract me.

The rest goes by in a bit of a blur and before I know it we're done and Dream is packing up the supplies.

I think it's just my brain overreacting about the pain, because every time we do it, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as I think it will. But that doesn't mean it will be any different next time.

"Alright, now that that's done," I hear Dream from the kitchen as he washes his hands. "bon appetite." A plate appears in front of me from behind and my eyes widen at the sight of multiple chocolate chip waffles stacked on top of each other with whip cream, berries and even more chocolate chips.

"I-" I stutter out and take the plate and for from him not knowing what to say. For the most part, Dream has made decent meals but this tops all of them by a long shot.

"Oh come one, I know how to put together a good meal when I want to." I hear Dream say as he goes to the kitchen to retrieve his own plate.

I thank him with a wide smile on my face before digging in as Dreams sits beside me on the couch and flips on a movie. I hold back a moan of delight at the wonderful breakfast.

Damn, why can't Dream be in a good mood more often?

Wilburs POV OoOooOoOOOoOoo

So it's been what, just over 2 weeks since George has gone missing?

And fuck, I've been a disaster.

I've gone to the police station every single day, sometimes even twice to see if they've found anything on George's case.

But I keep on getting the same damn answer. "We have bigger problems on our plates, because of that, George Davidson's case has been closed until further notice."

Can you fucking believe that?! They closed the case after he was gone for just 11 days, it's been about 6 since then.

They also told me that it's likely that he's dead and that I should start planning a funeral for an empty casket for closure.

Well fuck closure!

How am I supposed to get that when I saw him not even hours before when they suspect he disappeared. I should have fucking forced him to get in my car so I could drive him home.

God fucking dammit.

I sigh with my head in my hands as I sit in my aunts coffee shop.

Today is the day I go back to work. I was supposed to have 3 weeks off because I was grieving but with the hospital being a little too understaffed with both me and George gone, they decided to call me back early. God fucking dammit.

I didn't realize how big of a part George was in my life until he was gone. We spent every morning together, every lunch at the office together and he was probably my closest friend at work. And going through my every day life without him feels so foreign.

But here I am, already an hour or so late for work and still at teas 'n beans.


Okay okay so I know it's a short chapter but I wanted go give a shout out to my friend Kai crustyrainbows They're starting a book and I'm the editor for it. We would both love it if you would go check it out. It's really good!

VOTE? School is stressing me out man. இ௰இ

Words - 867

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