Froot Loops

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TW: lime

So remember the vote goal from last chapter? WELL. You guys DOUBLED the vote goal in less than 24 hours, and I haven't even written 500 words. BUT I'm gonna speedrun writing this chapter so I can somewhat post this on time.

This is my favorite chapter yet, so enjoy.

"Any soreness?"

(and another one bc I can't decide which one)

"I wanna feel that again. The heat on my cheeks, the butterflies in my stomach, the height in my heart..."

3rd Person POV

George woke up after a well needed, 5 hour nap to the sound of muffled voices downstairs.

Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his tired eyes, thankful that the puffiness within them, left him in his sleep.

Rolling out of bed and walking downstairs, the noise only seemed to grow louder, and not just because he was getting closer.

"Punz, what the hell. This isn't your house, you can't just take whatever you want!" Dream said in the living room.

"They're fucking froot loops. Get the hell over it." Punz said in a more calm and monotone voice.

"It's not just the goddamn froot loops, you also-" He cut himself off after spotting a confused and groggy brunet leaving the hallway, "oh, hello, George." He said, changing his demeanor entirely to a more calm and friendly attitude.

"What's going on here?" He asked with sleepy voice, looking around the room. Punz was sitting criss-cross on the couch with what appears to be a bowl of froot loops in his lap with the television before him. Meanwhile Dream stood behind Punz with a formerly angry face and a now empty cereal box.

"Nothing, do you want anything? I can make you a sandwich, or some pasta maybe? I think we even have a frozen pizza somewhere if you want it." Dream offered with a small smile.

"Uhm- well a sandwich would be alright." George replied as he started looking around the room for a place to sit.

Well it would be weird to wait at the dining table all alone, it would also be weird to wait where I am at the hallway but there is no way in hell I'm going to sit by Punz on the couch... George internally debated.

"I-I'm gonna go check on Sapnap." George declared before turning on his heal, back down the hallway towards the med-room.

Dream stood, for some reason shocked at the brunets departure with some bread and cheese in hand.

After a good few seconds in silence, Dream snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "Wait, George!" He yelled and ran off after George down the hallway quickly after setting down the items.

"Hey..." Dream said as his speed abruptly slowed upon seeing George inside the med-room, taking Sapnaps blood pressure.

George looked up upon the others entry and gave him a small smile as he took the sphygmomanometer off from around Sapnaps arm.

(Yes, I googled that word.)

"Is there something you needed?" George asked shakily.

Dream took a deep breath and walked towards George to make the distance between them a little smaller to the point where they were only a few feet apart.

"Look, George... I feel awful about what happened, and I completely understand if you blame me." Dream explained sincerely as he looked into the others eyes, hoping for forgiveness.

Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AUWhere stories live. Discover now