With a Cherry on Top

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I don't own this art ^, it's something that I found literally over a year ago. Sorry.

TW: SMUT ah yes. Mildy vanilla smut. There will be a line where it starts and where it ends along with a quick summary of what happened after it ends.

Enjoy, you horny bastards- I mean whores- I mean sluts- I mean kittens- I mean bitches- I mean darlings- I mean cum dumpsters- I mean Shrek- I mean gays- I mean cock suckers- I mean simps- can I call you my bitches- I mean fuckers- I mean princesses- I mean thirst trap enjoyers- I mean gods- I mean goddesses- I mean horny commenters- I mean pimps-  I mean cum swallowers- I mean suckers- I mean eaters- I mean why the fuck am I still doing this- I mean daddy- I mean mommy- I mean wtf is a gender neutral term for that- I mean mindless bitches- I mean wifeys- I mean shawties- I mean baes- I mean shawty baes- I mean I'm running out- I mean loves- I mean baby girsl- I mean baby boys- I mean babies- I mean sexies- I mean hotties- I mean mutual simpers- I mean cock riders- I mean face riders- I mean muffins- I mean sugarcakes- I mean bottoms- I mean readers. I MEAN LETS IGNORE THIS EVER HAPPENED. NOBODY SAY ANYTHING.

I'm in the U.S. and the government's really going to shit, not that it wasn't already. There have been multiple riots and protests around the city, luckily not any too close to where I live. Also my aunt had another crotch goblin- I mean baby! It's a girl :). Anyways, here's some mildly vanilla smut for you guys.

Rest in peace, Technoblade.

3rd Person POV

George was the first to have his eyes unwillingly flutter open to see the soft glow of the morning sun being cast into the room.

The first thing he noticed was the blonds arms tightly wrapped around him from behind. The next thing he noticed was:

Fuck I have to piss.

He started to slowly pry the others arms off from around him, but to no avail as the blond only tightened his hold.

George huffed. He didn't really want to have to wake his lover, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"Dream, wake the fuck up! I have to piss!" He whisper shouted.

Dream groaned and tightened his hold, "No you don't." he muttered.

George rolled his eyes but smiled.  "Yes the fuck I do, let go."

Clay opened, rolled his eyes, and loosened his grip just enough for George to pry them off and run to the bathroom.

After doing his business George trudged out of the bathroom and collapsed onto Dream and got back under the covers.

"I thought you didn't wanna cuddle anymore?" Dream teased with a fake pout.

"I had to piss!"

"Sounds like you're avoiding me and the topic."

"Fuck you." George ended the conversation right then and there, refusing to take any more of Dreams 'morning bullshit'.

(A/N because I know you wouldn't have read it if it was at the beginning of the chapter. There's some... I don't know, can't find the right words for it. But there's some stuff in this chapter and you'll probably know what I mean when you see it. Please don't send me any hate and PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER. PLEASE.)

After about half an hour more of just laying in bed, delaying the chores of the day with conversation, they finally arose from the sheets and decided to head downstairs, into the kitchen.

"So I prepared almost everything yesterday, but I have a few things I still need to do so if you wanna wait in the bedroom for like 5 minutes, we can go out after. You can look through my drawers and pick an outfit too." Dream explained after George asked why Dream wasn't letting him have breakfast.

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