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Auther-nim - ( Started cracking bones of fingers... Then neck)
Y/n - *ahem* will u start now?
Author-nim - hehe sry😅...I was getting ready to write my first book. Ok so let's start!

Y/n's POV

The cool breeze made me more comfortable with my blanket covering me comfortably until a loud voice reached by ears ..who was going to kill me soon... It's none other than my mom!! "Y/n!!! Wake up!!! It's already 10 am!!!" She shouted while moving me, "Mom! Today is my last day of a peaceful vacation! let me just sleep peacefully" i said intrupting my mom. I thought she left but no I was wrong! Suddenly my blanket was pulled from me which made me fall on the cold ground making a THUD! "Aaahhhh" I groaned in pain while my mom was laughing her ass out while seeing me. "MOM!!!!" She was unable to stop her laugh "sorry dear but that was damn funny!!" I rolled my eyes and got up to start my last day of vacation.

Yes this is the last day where I can breathe peacefully coz tomorrow I have to start my university. I'm super excited for that but as you know that a lazy girl like me has to suffer few days to get acclimatized to the schedule.

After all my daily courses I wore this!

I ate my breakfast and when I was about to listen songs, my mom shouted from the downstairs ," y/n! I'm going to mrs Lee's house so just don't spoil the house bye!" I sighed and went to my wonderland! And about my dad! He is in his company he ofte...

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I ate my breakfast and when I was about to listen songs, my mom shouted from the downstairs ," y/n! I'm going to mrs Lee's house so just don't spoil the house bye!" I sighed and went to my wonderland!
And about my dad! He is in his company he often goes to various business trips every now and then and same with Mr.Lee but every weekends they try to spend with thier family.

My wonderland was disturbed when I heard some sounds from downstairs. First I just shrugged it of but when I constantly heard some sounds I was a bit alerted who the hell would keep a job of robery at the daylight?? When I was on the stairs some footsteps got near to me...I frozed in my spot and then......

Seo min's POV

When aunt Kang came to our house a mischievous idea stoke my head, a smirk appeared on my face. I quickly greeted her and went out and both of them probably knew where I was going. When I was on my way to y/n's house I found some new people around 'are they new here? I think we got new neighbours' as I was lost in my thoughts I was in front of y/n's house. I quickly went inside with smirk plastered on my face. After making some creepy noises and disturbing the girl.. I popped in front of her and scared her with a 'hehe' "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" she screamed which made me laugh my ass out! She just stood there hands folded and kept a blank face while looking at me. After a while, I popped on her bed not long, she started opening her bag of excitement for her university days which will be started tomorrow. However even I opened my bag of excitement and we just sat there chitchatting.
"Girl!!! Just imagine the big hallways and everything new! New friends, new people, Exciting surroundings!!! " She was just exclaiming.
"You know wt y/n let's just be prepared for everything out there, we need to pack all the stuffs !!!"

~~A few hours later~~

"Y/n-ah!!!! I'm hungry let's eat something!!" She just chuckled and pulled me towards the kitchen.

We spent our day in the park and with our moms and were very excited for tomorrow.
When I reached my home my mom said that they r new neighbours and now my mom is excited to hang out with them 😂 aish mom is still a teen girl!

I cleaned my room while playing my mixed playlist and getting ready for tomorrow cause its a big day!


Y/n's POV

I woke up early than usual cause I don't wanna get late to my first day of university. After I finished all my courses I wore this!...

Then I went to seo min's house and saw her wearing

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Then I went to seo min's house and saw her wearing...

She looked cool, we quickly went to the bus stand and were waiting for our bus ( we can go by a car but we just want to travel in a bus and enjoy our lil time😉)I saw two boys in thier teens board the same bus as ours they look cute tho~~ aah y/n ...

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She looked cool, we quickly went to the bus stand and were waiting for our bus ( we can go by a car but we just want to travel in a bus and enjoy our lil time😉)
I saw two boys in thier teens board the same bus as ours they look cute tho~~ aah y/n stop it! As if seo min read my mind she suddenly whispered "yaah I forgot to say u that we have new neighbours.. I did not see them but I saw them shifting their things yesterday" "oohh really??? Do u think it's them" I said eying at the boys whom I saw earlier.. "maybe...."

Little did they know that someone has been observing them😉

This is a short chapter... but hope u liked it ☺️ do share ur views about it. stay tuned for the next chapter.

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now