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Jimins pov
When v took seomin with him
I was left with y/n and I could see that she couldn't control herself and broke down while face palming herself on her knees
When i was going to ask her....seomin came running towards y/n and took her and they both went to their home

Now only me and v were left I asked v about what happened why are they behaving like this today?

V replied,"I dont know much about this hyung but seomin just mentioned that If we dont get to know about this, then its better for both of us.... I didnt get what she meant"
"huh? We have to find soon about this tae" i said

"Come with me"

Y/n pov
After I freshed up, I went down to see my mom,who was busy cooking
so I went back to my room and threw myself on bed and I had to lie my mom that i slipped in washroom and for that i got wounded🥺
(Aish!?? Why did this even happen??
Who were they?? And who gave them the right to speak to us like that!!??) I internally screamed

"I behaved very weird in front of jimin
I shouldn't have done that but my position wasnt good as well" i told myself

Let me just text him sorry and tell him not to wait for me from tomorrow,i said to myself, it will be good for both of us
I opened our chat.....

"Hey jimin! I am sorry for my behaviour today.. Tomorrow onwards dont wait for me....." I sent him the msg

(Its better for us to stay away from each other i dont want him to get hurt bcoz of me)

I hope seomin told v too, when i was lost in my thoughts mom gave me a call to have dinner
And i went down to have dinner with my mom
And i saw this was our dinner 👇

"Aaaaah yummy it lookes so delicious!!" And we started eatingAfter finishing our dinner I wished my mom "good night" and went back to my room and i saw a msg popped from jimin

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"Aaaaah yummy it lookes so delicious!!" And we started eating
After finishing our dinner I wished my mom "good night" and went back to my room and i saw a msg popped from jimin...
I opened our chat once again

Jm: Its not your fault y/n i know something happened but its ok if u dont want to tell me
But i will wait for u outside and trust me tomorow u will be happy
Trust me.

I didnt know what to reply and i drifted to sleep

~~~~~Next morning~~~~~~
"Y/n aaaah wake up u will be late!!!!" Mom shouted
"Aish y isnt my alarm working but nevermind i have my mom😂 she is my best alarm" i thought

And I went to fresh up while thinking about the text Jimin sent yesterday night.

After having my break fast i gave my mom a hug and waved her good bye
And started going to university
As i opened the door my smile faded thinking what happened yesterday in university....

But then I saw jimin waiting for me.

I just smiled a bit and started walking
I was silent but jimin started breaking the silence between us...
"How are you y/n?"
"Yes I am fine jimin....and i am so-"

Jimin stopped me from saying further

I felt his warmth and felt like i wanted this shoulder which will make me feel protected.
But suddenly flash stroke my mind about yesterday and i broke the hug as jimin stared at me.

As i knew even though seulgi didnt mention the person name i could say that it was jimin bcoz they always go around good looking guys and get on their nerves.

I was going forward but then jimin held my hands and gave me an assurance look which said
"everything will be fine"

After we reached seomin's house
I saw v and her, holding hands of eachother.

We were scared of what is going to happen.

Author's POV

They started going to University as they reached Y/n and seomin tried to free themselves from their hold, bcoz if someone sees it would be a problem (especially for the girls )
But they didnt leave their hand and continued walking, y/n and seomin were now really scared but acted fearless.

SOE ra and yejin were shocked at the scene before them.

Seomins pov

When we were going to our respective classes We saw the people whom we didnt want to see.
Why God why us!!?? I screamed internally.

But v wasn't leaving my hands
She started coming closer to v and tried to speak... But V stopped her by saying
"Uhh! Cut the crap!, i dont want to hear anything else and no one is going to listen to your dirty opinion.
Just do ur do the the thing you came for." with his deep voice which made me choked my own saliva.

And suddenly yejin and so ra both apologized us with their eyes down as we were shocked.
We never saw this side of them but could say that they were forced to say that " Y/n and seomin, we are sorry for what we have done"

We didn't say a word but jimin gave a look which made us scared And said
"Dont u both dare come in between otherwise.." and held y/ns hand left
And same goes with v.

We never saw this side of them before.

Before we enter our class rooms
We both asked in unison
"How did you know ?" With a confused look.

They both looked at each other and smirked,"meet us at the garden during break..."

And went to their classroom.....

How did they come to know??
Lets find in next chapter

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now