A new Beginning

18 7 0

4 years later

Now  the 4 have completed their studies,they r going to begin a new life.....
Let's see what happens....further
Note:- They live in the same way they used to live before

Y/n's POV

Tring!!!my alarm rang but as usual I was asleep, but my mom.....
Aish.... moms never gonna change , Neither me😂😂😂

Since I have completed my university studies and I'm graduated, Now I am free for sometime and can breathe peacefully! Just k dramas and chill¡😉😉

Since we have some free time, I decided to have a girls night today, we r still in contact with Lisa and rose even though it has been 4 years, In fact we became more closer
Of course we were in contact with jimin and tae too, they are still our neighbors, we were like best friends and hanged out together frequently these years which made us close and we understand each other well.

And now.....
Seomin,Lisa and rose will be joining tonight as I invited them
My mom has been busy these days as dad require her help for some official works.....

Time skips
Ding dong!!!! ( insert his voice😂😂)
My girls are here and we are ready to have a blast tonight!!!
We greeted and hugged each other and they settled themselves on the couch, I bought a loads of snacks coz of course we r going to have it and also some juices and soft drinks

After sometime.......
After dancing, singing karaoke, seeing dramas, having some snacks and having fun laughing and giggling we settled ourselves on the couch....
Lisa received a call from  mark (they were still together) and we all started teasing her
And she went away to the balcony to have some talk with her boyfriend.

Now me seomin and rose were together gossiping and she got a call too
It was from beomgyu!!!
Aish these both me and seomin sighed....

We both were left alone (of course we r single afs😂😂😂😂)

We both saw each other and started laughing for our condition😂😂😂😂

As they are gonna sleep here we all had a great pillow fight!! And then slept peacefully....

(A/n- hehehe but from tomorrow your hearts will never stop making a big fuss * Evil Smirk *
Y/n - what will happen!??
A/n- not now baby 😏 )


Little did they know  that tomorrow they experience the biggest change in their lives...
Sorry for this small chapter...
I hope u enjoy it¡
What change will come in their lives.....
Let's see in next chapter 😉

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