A date?

30 7 0

Seomin's POV
After hearing, what v and jimin said,
We were really shocked at the same time happy (u know mixed emotions)
They were staring at us.
We both were just speechless,
"t-thank you" we shuttered
like,Why did they do this much for us??? I mean like why
My thoughts were intrupted as the bell rang, we left to our classes.

After going to our class me and y/n remembered that we didnt have our food and now we are starving. Bcoz of that we weren't able to concentrate on our class
I mean ofcourse
Somehow we held it for next two lectures and finally it was lunch, we ran to the cafeteria to have some food.
Rose and Lisa accompanied us asked
Why we ran like that in the break. When they heard about that they saw us with a teasing look.
"Huh?,whats with that look?" I crunched my eyebrows.
"Looks like someone has fallen for someone" they said smirking at us.
Me and y/n looked at each other confused.
Our thoughts were broken by the bell
And we went back to our classes.
In between the class, I was thinking about, giving them a treat?? Like we owe them a lot so i texted y/n about that and she immediately saw it and agreed.
she is always online even if she is in the class ...lol....
Finally we decided to talk to them after our classes were done.

After we were done with our day, we saw them waiting for us, we smiled and started walking with them. Thats when we realised that tomorrow is Saturday and we have to submit our journal!!!

"Oh shit!! Guys we have to submit our journal tomorrow!?
"Did we even start?? V and jimin looked at each other stressfully.
"why dont we meet at my house and prepare for the journal"? V said
"Yeah thats better" jimin said agreeing with him. Even we agreed with him.
So we decided to talk about the treat in their house.
aish why do we feel like we r asking them for a date? why must it be so complicated, aaaah!


After finishing everything we met at Taehyung's house.
He greeted us inside
"Your house is pretty good tae" I commented as he smiled.
We entered his bedroom and started to do our works.

I started to speak,
"So umm...guys...."
Gosh why is this so awkward? As I started to speak everyones eyes were on me.
"Like we didn't thank you properly but we are really very thankful to you, also sorry as u had to go through this"
"We owe you lot so how about a treat this weekend?" seomin stated.
We were looking to them who had a smirk on their faces.
"Doesn't it mean we can ask you anything huh!?😏" Jimin asked.
"Ya sure, what do u want?" I asked
"We will ask you when the time comes, and for now we r fine with the treat" Taehyung intrupted him...
"Oh ok" we both said with a confused face..

We started to work on our journal,
There were many cuts and pastes and we literally made his room messy...
and finally we were done with it.
They looked like this

They looked like this

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As we had less time we have to complete it soon, we don't want to have a bad impression on our very first journals

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As we had less time we have to complete it soon, we don't want to have a bad impression on our very first journals.
So now finally it was time for us to go home. They said that they will be accompanying us but we refused as it was near and left.

I got freshed up, had my dinner
And lied myself on my bed, I was just thinking about them....
Why did they do this much for us? What are we for them? Why am I feeling like this? Am I falling for him?

A/n -
Many questions were fighting in her brain...
Stay tuned to find out more! 😉

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now