Caught in 4K!😂

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Y/n's POV

It's been weeks since me and jimin were in relationship, my feelings for him started growing more and more, and we decided to keep it a secret from seomin and v, as it wasn't the right time yet to say them...
Jimin and me found our ways to hangout together or we can say as date now
Everything was going well up till now
Today me and jimin decided to go to cafe as seomin and v were going to work together somewhere
"Let's go babe" jimin winked
I blushed and nodded
We started going to the cafe
Jimin opened the door for me and I entered
Such a gentleman
We took our seats and we ordered our drinks
We were having our conversation and our order arrived
We started to have our drinks and I noticed jimin was looking at me all the time
A slight pink tint formed on my cheeks
"How's your drink babe?" jimin asked
"Yes, it's good" I said with a smile
"Is it? then let me have some", he said
"Oh ya sure", I was going to hand it to him but he got up from his seat and sat beside me
"Ummm...jimin-",he cut me off and took a sip of my drink
"Mmmm, it's goood", he said
"Now let me taste yours", I said pouting
"What do you want to taste baby?" jimin asked smirking
"Yaaaah! u pevert minded, I meant that I wanted to taste your drink" I said hitting his chest playfully
"Ok baby taste it" I went near his drink but he took it afar teasing me
"Taste it from me baby" he said pointing at his lips
"Yaaaaaaaaah!!! we r in public!!" I said with my red blushed faceuuuu
"Do I look like I care?", jimin smirked and started getting closer until.....

"Y/n!? jimin!?" a voice yelled making us started and I gasped looking at the person
" seomin!? v!?" I said making them startled

Now we sat together seeing each other with confused look but me and seomin were glaring at each other

"So u And v are dating?" I asked glaring at her
"Are u and jimin dating?" she asked me glaring
While they both were quietly watching as v got assured when jimin gave him a nod
"I asked u first, so answer my damn question ", I said
"Yes, we are", she said making me shock yet I was happy for them
"I knew it!! there was something going on between you both so this was the project u both were working upon huh?", I said making them blush and feel embarrassed
"Pabo ya, why didn't u say me?" I asked her
"As if you said!" she said but I kept my face straight
"So tell me when, where, how" she continued

I said her everything and she looked at us at aww
It was no use hiding from them now

"Did we disturb your precious ki- I mean moment", she said making me and jimin embarrass
Finally everything was clear between us, we started teasing each other and had fun hearing each others story since high school

Authors pov
Months passed and their relationship was growing more stronger
Jimin was jealous whenever he found me with yeonjun, we told yeonjun and soobin about our relationships
And yeonjun knowingly teases jimin
By seeing them Y/n chuckled
Jimin cleared things with seulgi too and she stopped bothering him now
Ofc y/n was jealous
One day jimin was informed from his parents that he had to go to training for ceo,
Yes jimin was going to become the next ceo taking his dads place
So he had to return home so that he could concentrate on the training
While y/n, seomin, v were still in their house...

Y/n's POV

Jimin hugged me and kissed on my forehead before he left for his training, I saw him until his figure disappears
I was sad but didn't want to show him as that would make him feel more sad...
Days were passing I was missing jimin more and more
I missed his presence and the hug which we shared each day
We spoke in call every day but for his busy schedule we spoke less

Finally it was night time and time to sleep we had our dinner and went to our beds
Seomin slept early than usual as she was tired
Now it was almost time for me to sleep, I texted jimin good night and I went to my dream land.....

At 2:45 am
Tring!!! the sound of my phone which broke my sleep, I checked the time and it was too late
"Who could it be? at this time?" I said to myself
I checked the I'd and a smile formed, I quickly picked it up
"Did I disturb my baby girl" said the voice
"Aish no! Wait u actually did! did u even check the time it is 2:45 at night jimin!? r u serious?" I said
"I missed my baby so much that I forgot to check the time" he said
"Well I missed u too" I said
"Wanna see me baby girl?" he said making me confused
"Huh? oh u mean face time?" I asked
"Nah, not my type! I am unique, open your window" he said as i can feel his smirk
"Huh? wh-" I was cut by him
"I said open the window baby girl I wanna see u so badly" he said
And when I opened it..
"OMG Jim-", before I could finish my sentence he hugged me tightly making me hard to breathe
"I missed you so much baby", he said keeping his chin on my shoulder
"I missed u too jimin" I said patting his back
After a long hug we broke our hug and he started checking me out head to toe
"Sexy" he said smirking

That's when I realised I was in my shorts!!
"Yaaah! u pevert" I whispered yelled keeping my hands on my chest
"Only for u baby girl", he smirked and winked
"Jimin before seomin wakes up, u need to leave", I said looking here and there in nervous but his gaze was stuck on me
"Not so easily baby girl, I want you ", he said coming closer and I gulped going backwards
"huh wh-" that's when his lips smashed on mine and he kissed me passionately and I replied back as I missed him so much
He then hugged me tightly inhaling my scent
Giving me spine chills.....
"You smell so good baby girl", he said with smirk look and was looking at my lips
He started to come close but I stopped him
"Jimin... it's not the right time, u need to leave before seomin wakes up", I said looking at him
he took my hands and kissed it looking at me with his glittery eyes which showed pure love and broke the hug as I pushed him towards the window
"At least give me a peck baby " he pouted
I gave him a small peck on cheeks as he pouted and he left winking at me...

Aish! this man!

I was red like tomato thinking about what happened just now and drifted to sleep....


But little did she know something was gonna happen.....
Hope u guys enjoyed it
Stay tuned guys¡

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