Finally its the day

19 7 0

Next morning
Y/ns pov
I woke up as my alarm started ringing and today I woke up a little early as our parents were coming and I didn't want them to notice, how we had fun last time and we didn't care about our surroundings and now *deep sigh*
"I have to start cleaning soon, before they arrive here", and I came out of my bed tried to wake up seomin but she, aish
So I decided to clean the house myself
And went to the living room and started to pick all the rummages things which were lying on the floor and started throwing them
After sometime...
I saw a figure coming towards me and it was V!
He started to help me with the cleaning and I was happy to get a company
He always is my company who helps me in cleaning and stuff
"Thanks v", I said with a smile
"It's ok y/n", he said smiling and we both started cleaning
"Y/n let me clean these, u go fresh up and start preparing the food otherwise it might me late", v said
I nodded and went to fresh up
After I came down I saw the room was clean, we gave hi-five to each other after all we did hard work
I left to kitchen and v went to get freshed up
After sometime, I again saw a figure coming out and this time it was jimin
He gave me a smile and came near me and back hugged my while I was cooking
"Jimin, go get freshed up we don't have time for this our parents might be arriving soon", I said
"Please baby", he said still back hugging me
"Nah, no excuse go get freshed up", I said trying hard not to smile
"Ok baby as u say", he pecked my cheeks and went back to his room

Time skips
A/n pov
Finally they cleaned the house and it was almost time for their parents to arrive
They started keeping all the food items on the table and waited for their parents to come

Y/ns pov
Finally our parents arrived, we all greeted them
We hugged them as we missed them a lot
As soon as they entered,we all started to have our lunch
After we filled ourselves,
Mr park started the conversation
"So when should the marriage be held?",
"As soon as possible dad I can't wait", said jimin without even thinking once about his surroundings
All turned towards me! I was completely red and mom and dad smiled
"Yes uncle, I agree with jimin too", said v
Aish these two, we thought
"Ok the marriage will be held after 1 week of jimin and y/n"said mrs park
Jimin winked at me I was looking down all the time
"Yes and the next week it will be v and seomins", said mrs Kim
We both weren't able to believe this is actually happening
"Ok So now y/n and seomin, u will be coming with us and will be staying until marriage", mom said and mrs lee agreed to her statement
We both nodded and I looked at jimin who was already sad hearing the statement So was v
"So...let's leave?", said mrs lee
"Wait! can I speak to y/n before she leave?",asked jimin
All eyes were on us now
As soon as mom and dad agreed, Without wasting anytime jimin took me to bedroom holding my wrist
After entering the room
Jimin hugged me as if there is no tomorrow , I know what he feels and I hugged him too
"Jimin, just one week?" I said while continuing the hug
He broke the hug
"Just one week ?I can't please, I cant stay without seeing u!", he said hugged me again
"Me too jimin", I said and was patting his back to assure him
We stayed sometime like that and jimin spoke
"Just one week love, u will be mine forever", jimin said breaking the hug and I looked down
He held my chin and made me face him
He kissed my forehead giving me butterflies
His gaze suddenly fell on my lips ,just when he was about to and that's when mom and dad called us
"Not yet babe", I winked and left the room making jimin smile a bit

Finally we left

A/n pov
In this whole week they had all the shopping and preparation for jimins and y/n wedding , jimin and y/n hardly met and just spoke in calls for few minutes as y/n was busy with preparation and also the works of her dads company which she was going to take over soon and this is why jimin was more eager and sometimes v teased jimin that he was meeting y/n and seomin everyday which made jimin's blood boil
So this was the scenario of whole one week

After 1 week~

Jimin's POV

"Do you park jimin take kang y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse,for richer,in sickness, in health, until death do u both apart" said the priest
"I do" I said and looked into y/n's eyes who was looking absolutely stunning,and am not able to believe this beautiful moment happening, a tear escaped from my eyes
"Do you kang y/n take park jimin to be your lawfully wedded husband to gave and to hold this day forward,for better, for worse,for richer,in sickness, in health, until death do u both apart" said again the priest
"I do" said y/n looking into my eyes and looking down and I can see her blushing

This was my chance, I was waiting since long, I took up y/ns veil and kissed her without wasting a single second
Whole gathering cheered
Y/n broke the kiss and started blushing
"Get ready luv,u can't stop me tonight", I said making y/n shock and blush at the same time

A/n note:-
They were having their photo shoot BUT LITTLE DID THEY KNOW,someone was watching them since day 1(the day the 4 lived together)till today on this auspicious day
Who was going to bring a huge change in their lives😳😳😳
Who was it!?
Want to know more!?
Wait until next chap😉
Love you guys❤️❤️

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