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Jimin's POV

When I spoke to y/n I felt she wasn't saying what her heart wanted to, she wanted to say something but shr was stopping herself, I realised whatever happened last night wasn't so easy going as I thought it was but it's serious I facepalmed my self and entered my house
Next day
As usual I completed my daily courses and rushed downstairs to have breakfast, after having my breakfast I ran outside to wait for y/n, I will try my best to avoid that topic as much as possible I was wondering While waiting for y/n,
Finally the face appeared whom I was waiting for,
My heart started beating faster than usual as y/n was approaching towards me with a smile
I greeted her good morning and she returned it back, I smiled
And we started walking and we started discussing about the trip and I observed y/n wasn't taking up that topic tooo, it's better for both of us.......

We reached seomins house and I saw they both were happily approaching towards us
I guess they were fine, things r better with both of them than me And y/n....

we started walking, talking about our trip
Actually we were very excited to our trip even though it was for one day...

(A/n - trips with friends are always fun😂😂)

We decided to meet with our partners during break and discuss about further about the trip
I did my best to not bring the topic up and y/n also didn't speak about it much
At least she is comfortable around me, I am glad....,a smile crept on my face which seomin noticed
"Hey jiminie pabo , why r u smiling huh??😏😏😏 she asked teasing me
"It's not- wait!! Yaaaaaah!!who the hell gave u permission to call me that, and how did u know!!??"
She chuckled
"I have my own ways pabo😂😂😂"she laughed
Aishhh, this little brat!!
And I turned towards v coz he is the one who kept this name for me.....
I turned at y/n who was unable to hold her laugh about what just happened and I was really happy
Anyways seomin did a half good job.....

First time she helped me in some way😂

Our discussion was done and we were leaving tomorrow, so we decided to get our things ready and also bring some food with us...ofcourse we were students we don't have enough money to spend.....

Time skips
Day of the trip
We all started coming our with our bag packs we packed for one day, and started going to university coz we will be traveling by our university bus, and we were going to sit with our partners
Thankfully things between me and y/n weren't that bad, I realised she is more free and happy now which made me have mixed thoughts whether I should.....
Nevermind , I tried my best to stop thinking about this so that things would be better not like before, my thoughts were interrupted when Y/n called me and asked me to look at the outside view and it was indeed breathtaking
Coz of course we were going to a place where there would be many flowers and plants(botanical garden)

Vs pov
Things weren't so bad betweeen me and seomin she was asusual happy and talking with me which made my heart feel lighter
"I hope things are ok with Jimin too
But there were some thoughts going on my mind about seomin, but I forgot everything when I saw seomin happily smiling and enjoying, that made me feel more happy...

A/n's POV

Finally they reached their destination and started working on their project, they both tried their best not to make things go awkward again as they didn't want to lose their friendship
They happily did their work and had fun during their free time which made them get more closer

Jimins pov
Finally we were returning back home y/n was asleep as she was tired of working the whole day,
Damn she looks cute while sleeping
I helped her with her hair which was disturbing her sleep
I realised... that this wasn't the right time to confess.....

Yes! Me and v already talked about our feelings when the topic came.. we both wanted to confess for are just waiting for a right moment
I was looking at sleeping y/n
"Just wait for me y/n,until the right time comes..
I will surely make u fall in love with me.
And i dont want to take any risk and loose you so soon
So wait for me my love.....



Hope u guys enjoyed this
U will find a different view of them from next chaps
Please look for it and have fun😉😉

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now