Happy tears

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Seomin's pov
Gosh! How am i gonna handle this?
The whole walk was filled with silence
Both were looking at me for explanation,
But i tried my best to ignore them
Damn!! Y/n!! Aaah! Its not her fault tho.....
My thoughts were intrupted by jimin
I stopped on my track and turned towards them as if nothing happened but i failed...
Sorry y/n, but i think i should say them!
"So.... Actually....." I explained them the whole thing!
"Dont u think we should check on them?" Jimin asked
"No!!!!! Let them speak and make the things clear!" I said them ...
But i was wondering what might have been going there
Is y/n alright? She must need a support ......

Y/ns POV

"Y/n-ah!?" Just his voice made me in the verge of tears..
And then i saw jk standing infront of me!!!!
I tried to act cold and asked
"What do u want-" my words were cut as jk hugged me.
I tried my best not to cry..
"I missed you y/n-ah" he said with his teary eyes.
I couldn't control myself anymore and hugged him back with tears rolling from my eyes.

After a while we broke our hug and sat down, i was still sad with  red eyes fiddling with my fingers....

I was quite as I waited for his explanation. After few seconds he spoke,
"Are you still angry with me?"
" Idk...."
"I'm sorry y/n-ah! I can explain you.."
"How can I forgive you jk?? You just left me out of no where! And left me alone!!"I shouted and people were looking at us

"Actually .... That night....." He continued

~~Flash back ~~
(10 years ago, y/n- 10
years old, jk- 15 years old)

Jk's POV

"Kookie-ah", y/n came running to me
"See i bought you these candies! my dad bought it from US !!" she smiled and she handed it to me.
seeing her smile made me smile too.

Me and y/nie were neighbours and ofcourse best friends but more likely i treated her as my little sis... She is such a adorable kid...
I was living with my aunt and uncle as my parents lived abroad.
I came here to complete my studies and settle here but things didn't go as i wanted...
I promised y/n that i would always be there with her no matter what..

But one night,
I got a call from my dad that my Mom was admitted in hospital as she had an accident and dad was out of town, No one was there to take care of her...
Tears rolled my eyes, i was unable to think anything..
Then my uncle and aunt decided that we should be with her so we packed our things and went right away.
I was not even given a chance to meet y/n, but Before leaving, I saw y/n's house and whispered i will come back soon...
Since then when ever y/n tried to contact me i ignored her calls coz i couldn't face her as i broke my promise.
Even though i missed her i wanted her to forget about me...
I am trying my best y/n-ah please wait for me!

~~End of flashback~~

Y/n's POV

I was shocked after hearing this
"All this time i took care of my mom and handled her business works...." He said
"How is your mom now?" I asked
"Yeah she is fine now" he smiled
I really wanted to hug him but....
"Please, forgive me y/n-ah I shouldn't have done this, i should have told u before i left, But i wasn't really in a position to face you" he said with tears
"Its ok kookie-ah, i know it must be hard for u" I said with a reassuring smile
He hugged me before i could say anything as I hugged him back.
Now all our misunderstandings have been cleared...
"Yaaaah!! U took many candies from me! Give me back!" I pouted
"Aish this little girl, don't you know respect for elders?" He pinched my cheeks
"Ouch! Sorry oppa"i said with my aegyos
"that's better...Here take this, i bought it for u" as I smiled widely at him..
"Now i am taking care of my moms business and i will be working here as our office has opened a branch"he continued
I literally jumped and hugged him.
we r back together in the same place tears formed in my eyes.... The happy tears....
"I thought I would never see you again"
I said as tears came out..He wiped my tears by cupping my face, Giving me his bunny smile he said, "now I'm back!"
After a small chitchat, we decided to go home. Kookie walked me home, on my way i took out my phone to check the time but I saw 3 missed calls from jimin and
8 missed calls from seomin!!!
"Who is jimin? Jk asked
"He is my classmate and neighbour..."
"He cant take my place ok!!!"
"Hahaa! No one can take your place oppa..." I smiled...
"So u both are friends huh"
"Yaah kinda close friends?"
"Oh" he said smirking
"whats with that smirk?!"
He just laughed and we reached our home..
"Why don't you come in!" I asked
"Not now but some other time..." He said
"Ok then bye!"
I saw seomin waiting for me, as i entered she jumped upon me;and bombarded with questions. I chuckled and told her everything
"Y/n!!!, v and jimin asked about you and literally bomarded me with questions so I had to say them everything... they were really tensed especially jimin he told me that he wanted to check on you!"
"I think u should talk to him" she said..
"Yup i will..." i said....


Lets see what happens next😉
Stay tuned

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