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Y/ns pov
Finally we hopped into the car as I didn't want to be outside, I wanted some space...
"Why did he call me out of no where after these many years??"
I wont lie but i miss him, but still it hurts when some one just leaves without saying anything. I had all mixed Feelings going inside me.
While the whole ride was silent, jimin were very confused for what happened.

Finally we reached our home
I went to my house without waving anyone.
I was really not in my mind at that time

Seomins pov
Finally i reached home with v and i saw y/n going inside leaving jimin complete ly confused i could see him he was worried
We finally went to jimin...
Both v and jimin turned towards me
"Uh...whats with that look suddenly?" i said
"Ok guys we will meet to-" i was cut by jimin
"Seomin, can u please tell me what happened to y/n, i mean she looks sad, is it bcoz of me i mean did i do anything wrong"
"Aaah! No jimin i am sure its not because of u, Like i guess she is a bit tired and i need to talk to her and know what actually happened....
"Hmm..i understand,ok i will wait"
I smiled and waved them goodbyes and went home,

I immediately took out my phone and texted y/n
Me:-Hey, are you alright?
Y/n:-umm.. ya but not completely"
Me:-Can i know the freaking reason!???  Why suddenly u felt like leaving!??? And  jimin feels that he is the reason why u r like this, i made him understand but still try to talk to him later, but first tell me!???
*she told whatever happened*
Me:-wtf!???? Y so suddenly!?? Did u speak to him again after that
Y/n:- no
Me:- see y/n i think u need to speak and make things clear,I dont know y/n, i mean
If u cant talk just text him....
Y/n:- oh ok.....i will try.....
Me:- thats good text him and tell me what happens, ok?
Y/n:- ok....

Y/ns pov

Before i decide to text jk,
I got notification and it was none other than jk!!!

Aish this boy, still reads my mind like before
I smiled with a heavy heart thinking about our past

"Hey y/n, please meet me tomorrow at evening at XXXX cafe"

But i didnt want to show my weak self and texted him back with a cold one....

*Ok u can do it y/n*

And i texted him

"What do u want now?
"Why do want me to meet now?"

As soon as i kept the msg and was going to sleep
I heard my phone notification sound
And it was from JK!!!

Was he waiting for me to reply?
Naah, may be he just held his phone now

"Please y/n, i can explain you everything what happened.....
Please i want to meet you
I missed you🥺"

My eyes left a tear falling on my phone screen and thats when i realised i was in tears, Well ofc i missed him!!!

"Ok, i will say u the location after my classes, we can meet" I texted him..

And he agreed
I tried to sleep but... I couldn't



I was in class but just couldn't concentrate as I was lost in my thoughts about jk

(A/n - little did she know that someone was watching her..... It was jimin)

Seomin's POV

I could see that y/n wasn't in a stable condition
But I couldn't do anything...
My thoughts were intrupted when v asked me to go with him..
Now We were in the garden
He was smiling at me
Aish, i couldn't help but smile
"Just smile like that you look cute ok!!" V said
"And whats wrong since yesterday u aren't speaking properly? is everything ok" he continued
"I am sorry v that we had to go, and ruin the treat" i apologized
"Aniyo, its ok seomin-ah but i could see u are really very tensed" he asked staring into my eyes
"I am sorry v but i will let u know when the right time comes, but i can just say u that its about y/n, she is a bit upset"
"Ya, that's y jimin was tensed too,Its ok tell me when u feel like, i wont force u but please keep smiling" he said
I smiled
"And about yesterday I--" v was again intrupted by our bell, "aish,well lets go" he said and we both went

In every break period rose and lisa tried their best to make her smile but y/n just faked her smile as she didnt want to spoil others mood, But i knew it...

She told me that she was going to meet  jk after the classes...well ofc she missed him too

Time skips

Y/n left after university to meet with jk
I was left with v and jimin
Aaaahh god! what should i even say them? especially jimin he is gonna attack me with loads of questions...

Y/ns  POV

I texted jk to visit me at a cafe and now I was waiting for him...
After few minutes, I saw a familiar face approaching me..
Tears left my eyes.....


A/n -
What will happen after they meet?
Will Y/n forgive him??
Stay tuned😉

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now