First day of job

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Finally it was the day to start working, we all were excited as well as nervous
I woke up from my bed and got freshed my and started making breakfast for everyone

Time skips

I came out and saw seomin still sleeping, aish this girl!!
"Yaaaaaah!!!wake up!!! u want to ruin your first impression!!?"I shouted while hitting her with a pillow, she groaned in pain and hummed in response
"What 'hmm??' wake up! and get your ass to the washroom now!!!" I said
"Aish, ok ok I am going" she said and I stood until her figure went to the washroom

After she went i went back to cook, I just decided to cook bread and omelette for everyone and some juice,
thank god mom taught me how to cook these I thought
As I started doing my work, I saw a figure coming down and it was jimin
"Good morning jimin!" I smiled and greeted him
"Good morning y/n", he greeted me with a smile with his sleepy voice
"R u cooking for us?" he asked still with a small smile on his face
"Yes, u guys get ready, I will be serving soon ",I said
"u want any help?" jimin asked
"no, I am fine, thanks jimin, now get ready other wise we will be getting late" I said

He smiled and left

Time skips

Author's POV

Everyone came down and started having their breakfasts and they called taxis so that they could reach their workplace as decided before they went in 2 different cars

Jimin's POV

As we were waiting for our taxis to come everyone were busy with their phones, I was nervous for my first day, but one more thing which was haunting my mind is that y/n not being with me!!
Aish jimin, u r not even her boyfriend or something , y r u being like that?  I thought still having fear if something happens.....
Finally the taxis arrived ad y/n and seomin were the first one to go....
"All the best guys!", y/n said while seomin showed a thumbs up
Me and v wished them back!
"Bye guys!, See yaa" they said and we said our farewells and they left, we waited until they left and then we started.
Hope everything goes well... I sighed


Finally we entered our office

"Woah!! damn" was the only thing me and seomin were probably saying afterall this was our first experience of being in job

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"Woah!! damn" was the only thing me and seomin were probably saying afterall this was our first experience of being in job..
We were informed to go to our boss by some of the employees who greeted us very politely and dropped us to our boss cabin
We knocked the door before getting in
"Come in", as soon as we heard we entered
Our boss greeted us with a soft smile as we smiled back, we just exchanged sone texts but never got to meet him in person
"Hi, you guys must be y/n and seomin nice to meet you, Myself KIM NAMJOON, who will guide u throughout your presence and hope you do your work diligently and enjoy working here" our boss said smiling as we could see dimple on his face
"Thank you sir...." we smiled and bowed
"I will be assisting u to employees who will be helping u with your work and also will show u around, I will be informing them, hope u have a nice day" sir said smiling and we left the cabin greeting him once again.

After going out we sat on the sofa waiting for the employees whom our boss has informed
After sometime a good looking guy started approaching towards us....
"Hi, may I know who is miss seomin?" the guy asked
"Umm.. hey, it's me", seomin said while standing up
"Hi myself soobin nice to meet you..." he said shaking his hands with seomin as well as me
"boss asked me to show you around, so shall we?" he added
"Ya sure", seomin replied , she turned towards me wished me good luck and went with him
I sat there looking at my watch waiting .....
Finally I stood up to get some water as I was thirsty but I didn't knew where it was, So I thought to ask someone.

I was going to leave but suddenly I bumped onto someone's shoulder, I was going to fall I closed my eyes
No please not on my first day at least, I thought closing my eyes but I didn't feel any
I opened my eyes and found a handsome guy holding me and our eyes met.....
"I am sorry miss,I was in a hurry", he made me stand up and I set my dress
"It's ok.. I understand", I said smiling
"by d way r u miss y/n?", he asked
"Yes, I am y/n...", I said
"Oh I am sorry miss for being late, by the way I am yeonjun... nice to meet u, boss asked me to show u around, hope we get to know each other well" he said smiling and led his hand forward
"Yes sure..." I said smiling and giving him a handshake
"So, let's go!" he said and he showed me around the office

Meanwhile jimin's pov

We reached our office as soon we reached we were greeted by some of our employees and also we met our boss , he was quite nice person and greeted us well, and he showed us our cabins, mine and v's cabin weren't too far so we managed to talk in between
The first day itself we were loaded with works
Aish... fine at least I won't be thinking much about y/n
But I wonder what she will be doing..
Meanwhile a person entered my cabin and greeted me
" Hi u must be jimin", she said coming closer to me..
"Yes, and who r u miss?", I said with a straight face
"Seulgi, hope we get along well" she said with a smirk on her face
I gave her 'whatever' look and continued doing my work and she kept the files on my desk, winked and left
I rolled my eyes
I was seriously irritated by her behaviour
Don't tell me I have to bare with her everyday.... I sighed
V smirked at me with a teasing look, I gave him a annoyed look and we both went back to our work.....

Author's POV

This way was their first day in office and finally they met at the evening,
And all were so tired as they had a busy day
And jimin and v were excited to meet y/n and seomin but their eyes landed on two persons who were with y/n and seomin shaking their hands and telling their farewell..
They didn't like it at first but shrugged off thinking they are just employees... and they rolled their eyes.
They smiled as they met each other and went back to their home...


A/n :-
Let's see how they react after getting to know about each other....
hope u guys enjoyed this long chap😅😅
Stay tuned

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