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Seomin's POV

We started to move out of our place with all our belongings and decided to take a metro coz it would be better as we had to spend our expenses carefully,
We took out our cards and entered our metro as it arrived. It was filled with people and we had to stand in order to reach our destination which is a little far from our house.
Since I had nothing to do I took out my phone and started scrolling ig. In between we ware talking with each other and again looking back to our phones .....
After sometime, we saw two empty seats..
So we decided to play Rock Paper Scissors and decide who would take the seats😂😂
We went near to it so that no one would sit  (possessive souls😂)
First I went with y/n and lost, she was damn happy as if she won a lottery 😂😂
Then V went with jimin and he lost tooo..
But he smiled and stood beside me....and started looking at his phone
What's wrong with this boy??

At the next station..
There was rush again and many people started enteringthe metro...
Suddenly a random guy rushed in front of me which made me stumble and I was about to fall
But then....
V caught me by holding my waist, we both were staring at each other continuously. Then suddenly I snapped out of my thoughts and came out of his grip...
"Th- thank you v" I smiled but my heart was racing
He gave his boxy smile and looked back at his phone.

Hos smile never fails to flatter my heart aish....this boy

Y/n's POV

Me and jimin sat on the empty seats and were smiling like idiots just for winning the seats.
We had  many talks and then we started looking at our phones, I felt that the person sitting on the other side was staring at me but I ignored it and started seeing my phone with music on with my earphones and closed my eyes....
Suddenly I felt some arms around my shoulder pulling me close
"Jagiii~~ even I wanna hear some music let's hear together" Jimin said smiling
"wh-" But I was cut by him
"That guy is trying something fishy" he whispered giving me spine chills
"Oh..ok... ya sure, take it" I played along..
"Thank you baby"
We kept acting until he left.....
"Thanks jimin" I sighed and smiled..
He gave me his eye smile and looked back into his phone

Jimin's POV

I was looking at my phone when I saw some stranger sitting beside y/n was staring at her making her feel uncomfortable, she neglected so did I, and she went into another world while listening music, unknowingly a smiled formed on my face seeing her..
But that's when he went out of his limits he was going to keep hands on her which made me furious! And thats when we started acting...
She was confused at first but she acted along! she looked so cute!
I hope this moment lasts forever 😍😍

Finally we reached our destination and helped each other with our laugages and started walking to our place

"Woah!!" we said in union after entering the house,it was better than our expectation
It had 2 rooms ,1 kitchen ,2 bathrooms living room which was not too small not too big
Over all it's quite impressive!

We decided to freshen ourselves and then go out for buying groceries. And for deciding the bedrooms we again played rock paper Scissors! And this time y/n and seomin won! We decided our bedrooms and went inside.
When we went inside, we threw ourselves on bed, it was a quite hetic day but I remembered when I was with y/n, she never fails to make my heart beat crazy...
V slept beside me, I was shaking him so that he would get freshed up! but ended up falling asleep...

Y/n's POV

Me and seomin threw ourselves on bed and chuckled coz this was the first time staying together
We started jumping and having a mini crazy dance party and then lied on bed, It was really a hectic day!
Aish, this is going to be hard
It's not like this is the first time! We both used to have many sleepovers but now we are roommates! And this is going to be fun!
I drifted to sleep thinking about how we 4 are gonna manage everything......

Let's see what happens with them in future! Will they get adjusted??
Stay tuned to know more!

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now