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Y/n's POV

I woke up with the sound of water ringing in my ears and I was confused for what was happening,
It isn't even raining I thought and came out of my room, I saw v who was washing his hands and cleaning his shirt
"R u ok v? Is anything wrong?" I asked him
"oh y/n-ah it's nothing, it's just that some thing fell on my shirt so I was cleaning it" he said
"sorry for waking u up" he said with an apologetic look
"Aaah, it's fine v, anyways we had to wake up and also we should get some groceries right!" I said with an assured look
"yeah" he said smiling and giving a thumbs up
"Shall we wake the others?" I asked
He sighed..
"Is everything ok?" I asked again hearing his sigh
"The problem is that jimin won't wake up immediately, he will just give excuses and sleep and he will also make me sleep with him...." he said with a irritated look

"It's the same with seo min, she always gives silly excuses and sleep, such a sleepy head!" I said
"Aish these both r literally the same" he said face palming
"IKR" I said with the same look on my face
"How about this ? u wake up jimin and I'll wake seomin, what do you say?"
"Ya that sounds good.. let's do that" I said and went to jimin's room and found him sleeping
he looks so cute while sleeping... Aaaah stop it y/n! wake him up!
I started tapping on his shoulder
"jimin-ah! wake up we have to go out!"
"Jimin-ah" I called him buy no response
I was going to call him once again but he cut me by pulling me beside him and wrapped his hands around my waist..
My heart was beating fast at the closeness..

Jimin's POV

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard someone calling me and of course it will be taehyung, he won't let me sleep peacefully, but this time his voice was a bit different, Maybe I'm very sleepy, I drifted to sleep again but I heard my name again!
Aish! I pulled him beside me, thinking it's taehyung and pulled him too close so that he would even sleep but I felt that it was a different person something is weird
When I opened my eyes....... I found Y/N!!!
Both of us were shocked and I let her out of my grip.
"y/n? what r u doing here"
"Ummm.. I came to wake u up as we r running late and we should get things.. So get freshed up and come out...." she smiled and left
I went to get freshen up... keeping both hands on my face....


I went to seomins room and saw her sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to disturb her sweet sleep, but have to....
I went near her, she was really looking cute while sleeping and lied my head down beside her, i was just staring at her, which I couldn't help, but I shook her shoulders,
"Wake up somin-ah!"
But suddenly she wrapped her hands around me and made me sleep beside her,
"Let's sleep like this for a while....." she mumbled
I didn't want to sleep and wanted to wake her up but ended up falling asleep beside her....

Y/n's POV

Why does it happens only with me? Calm down y/n it's just a misconception , Ok.....breathe in breathe out!!

Why isn't v and seomin our yet? I thought and went to our bedroom and found......

My jaw dropped, Meanwhile jimin also entered and his eyes were big like eggs we both stared at each other and saw back at them..

I took one pillow and hit seomin hard, she groaned but snuggled closer to V, my eyes were more widened and hit her again!
"Who the hell is it?" She turned towards me..
"Y/n-ah! Let me-" before she could finish her eyes widened..
"Wait-" she turned her head towards the person she was snuggling before..

"Aaaaaaaaah!!!!" she shouted and ran out of the bed making
V fall on ground And he groaned in pain

"What the hell r u both up to?" I asked raising my eyebrows..
"Look y/n.. you are getting me wrong, I thought it was you...and i-" her face was completely a tomato right now
Aish...... i face palmed myself
"What about you tae?" jimin asked
"I tried to come out from her grip but ended up sleeping And it's all bcoz of u jiminaaaaah!!!" v exclaimed
"Now what the hell did I do??" Jimin exclaimed
"Bcoz of you I got this habit of sleeping! whenever I come to wake you up, you end up making me sleep!" Tae said..
"Now u arguing with me" jimin said raising his voice..
"Guys!! now just shut up and get our asses back to work!!!" I shouted as v and seomin went running to fresh up..

Time skip

Finally we were in a mart to get all the things, and we split into teams..
Me and seomin
V and jimin
(A/n : u naughty readers it's not what u thought😏😏😏)

Seomin's POV

"Y/n-ah!" I poked her and asked her to look this way
"What?" She said..
I hid my face on her shoulder, while she was walking with the trolley and looking for things but I just couldn't handle the embarrassment
"Why me?" I groaned
She chuckled seeing my tomato faceuu
"It's ok seomin-ah, it's just your habit, it's not your fault" she said and looked back into the list

"Aish,u can't understand the situation!!" I exclaimed and folded my hands
She looked at me and mumbled "who said that?"
which of course my sharp ears heard
"What?!" I widened my eyes at her
"But at least I didn't sleep like u did" she said and teased me which bought me back to the embarrassing position
"Yaaaaaaaah!!" I shouted and pouted..

And then soon all of us went to the counter for payment

The lady at the counter looked at us and said, "Awww, such cute couples🥰 newly married?" She said and chuckled
All of us were shocked..
"Umm.. actually-" I was going to say something but the payment was already done..
Never mind.......
We grabbed our bags and came out..
(A/n- little did they know someone was watching them)

"Oh no! jimin-ah! we forgot to take our perfume, let's go in" V said
"You both wanna come?" jimin asked
"No it's fine we will be waiting here with the things.... u can go" y/n said and they left

Jimin's POV

We went back as taehyung reminded me at the right time, and decided to go to the girls as soon as possible, I didn't have a good feeling about that, We hurried back to them but We didn't find them! the things were lying on the place where they were before..
We looked here and there but didn't find them......

And then we saw....


Stay tuned guys

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