The treat

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Y/ns pov
"Finally It's weekend!!!!!!!" I screamed
After a whole hectic week,we were finally relieved as we even submitted our journals.
"Finally!!!!!"And i jumped on to my bed and started Scrolling, Just then i saw my phone ringing, it was from jimin.
why is he was calling me at this time ?? finally i picked up the call

"Hello" I started speaking
"Did i disturb your sleep huh"? Jimin spoke as i could feel his husky voice giving my spine chills
"Naah, i was just scrolling and chatting" I said
"At this time? Who?" Jimin asked with a confused tone
"Uh.. yah he was my childhood bestie..." i said excitedly
"Ya what happened?" I asked
"Nothing...", he said with a low tune
"By d way, what makes you call me at this time?" I said
"Yeah, just wanted to remind you about the treat" he said with a smile
Oh shit, i almost forgot about that
"ya ya i remember, so excited huh?😏"
"Yeah yeah ok, sleep now dont stick to your phone more,meet you tomorrow good night!" Saying he ended the call
He didnt even let me say a good night?
Was he in rush??
What did he mean dont stick to phone....
Aarghh y/n stop thinking! just sleep!

Well you guys would be wondering who is y/ns boy bestie it jungkook.
He and y/n were childhood buddies, both went to same school since they were in kindergarten. He had to leave US as his dad got transferred for his business purposes.
Y/n was sad after he left, even seomin knew about this)

~~~~~The next day~~~~~
Seomin's POV

Finally, it's weekend and we were giving treat to the boys!
"Today it will be fun" i said to my self
And got freshed up!
As today we all were going to hangout why not wear something cool😉

Finally, it's weekend and we were giving treat to the boys!"Today it will be fun" i said to my self And got freshed up!As today we all were going to hangout why not wear something cool😉

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I put on my perfume and held my bag and shouted,
"Mom, i am leaving, i will be back by evening"
"Ok sweetie enjoy!" She hugged and I left
I saw v waiting for me,

I put on my perfume and held my bag and shouted,"Mom, i am leaving, i will be back by evening""Ok sweetie enjoy!" She hugged and I leftI saw v waiting for me,

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And Omg!! He looks hot in black!🔥!!
I shaked my head and went towards him.
Aaaah! Seomin! Calm down!
And we smiled at each other, we noticed that jimin and y/n weren't here yet so we decided to go to them
"You look cute!" V said on our way
I felt my heart beating fast and my cheeks burning
"Ummm ...thanks" i said prevention his eyes..

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now