Life:-A roller coaster ride?

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Y/n's POV

Me and seomin were taking care of our things and scrolling our phones without looking at our surroundings, and just waiting for them to come out, we were about to keep our phone back....
But suddenly I felt someone holding my arms and keeping a cloth tightly on my mouth, with my blurry eyes I could see seomin was going through same, we tried our best to come out of their grip but within no time we felt unconscious and everything went blank....

Jimin's POV

We saw y/n and seomin getting dragged by two men, and they were passed out..
Me and taehyung ran to them and hit them non- stop and finally took both of them out of their grip and left to hospital

Y/n's POV

I woke up and my eyes landed on jimin who was sitting beside me.
As soon as I woke up jimin called the doctor and that's when I realised I was in hospital lying on bed
The doctor questioned me if I was feeling alright, I nodded in response, he checked my pulse and other things
And thankfully I was fine.....
And the doctor left
I tried to wake up and jimin rushed to me and helped me to sit back,
"Jimin, what- "he cut me off and said
"Just get some rest I will get some water for u" he said and left
He handed me a glass of water and I drank it, I thanked him with a weak smile coz I was feeling really weak due to headache...
"Jimin, where is seomin?" I asked him
"Don't worry she is alright, tae is with her in the other room" he said reassuring me
"Ok..." I said
After sometime, we got discharged from hospital and left home

Finally we reached home, we were just going to our room, but were stopped by an angry voice..
"Can't you both see what the hell is going around you??" jimin raised his voice as we turned towards him and saw v glaring at us with a serious look.....
We both were shocked and looked down coz we had nothing to say, it's our fault that we didn't watch our surroundings.....
"sorry" we said in union
"Sorry can't do anything!" Tae said still glaring at us..
"It won't repeat again..." I said pressing my lips as I was feeling guilty...
"And thank you for everything " seomin said still hanging her head low..
"Just don't repeat that again and sorry won't help next time", jimin said glaring at us
"Got that??" jimin asked raising his voice

We were still processing what was happening but we flinched when we raised his voice..
We both nodded..
"I dint hear anything!" Tae said raising his eyebrows

"Yes.."we said in union again
And we left to our rooms..

In the room
Me and seomin were processing of everything that happened today. But at the end we smiled coz we met such great friends who takes care of us.
We thought to change their mood by doing all the other house works, I decided to cook whereas seomin decided to look for jobs and apply for 4 of us...
At least in this way we can thank them...
I rushed towards to the kitchen and started unpacking everything and started cooking for 4 of us.

I was wondering how our life was becoming like a roller coaster day by day
We dont even know what will happen next with us......aish

My thoughts were interuppted when...

I saw jimin approaching towards the hall and our eyes came in contact, I smiled and started doing my work,
(A/n: But little did she know that he was staring at me all the time)

Then I saw jimin coming towards me but then suddenly seomin rushed out of her room shouting..
"Guys!!!! just look at this, it's a perfect company and they want ready to hire employees, we can just apply to the jobs.. in that way we can work together too" she said
And a smile crept on our faces hearing that
All agreed to apply for the jobs and we gave hi-fi to each other,
"Y/n-ah, can u help me in fill the forms?" seomin asked
"Sorry seomin-ah, I could have done but I need to cook",I said
"I will help u out" tae said
She nodded and they started working upon it while I left coz I had to cook..

Jimin's POV

I have to speak to y/n coz I kinda felt bad for raising my voice on them and v had the same feeling so we decided to apologise
And then v stayed with seomin to help and I saw y/n going towards kitchen and this was good chance and no one would interrupt,
(A/n: I guess u guys know who is jimin referring to😂😂😂)
I went to y/n..
"Y/n-ah, I am sorry for raising voice at you and seomin, I didn't mean to bu-", she cut me off saying
"it's ok jimin-ah, I am happy that you care for us.. You were actually right, we were wrong so you both had the right to raise your voice, so it's fine", she said smiled
I seriously wanted to hug her so badly but I stopped my self and just stared at her..

Will this be the situation when we get married? Y/n will be cooking while I will be admiring her... aish stop it jimin
I flicked my head and smiled
"What's wrong? You alright?" she asked bringing me back to my senses
"umm, it's nothing, is the food ready?I'm hungry? I said pouting which made her smile
Ah, that one smile of hers can kill me and my poor heart!

Finally dinner was ready and we all had our food
And everyone enjoyed the food and thanked y/n for it and left to our bedrooms and slept..

Next morning

Y/n's POV

I woke up by the noise of my alarm, as usual seomin was asleep, I took my phone and checked to find out that.....



Why did y/n shout?
Let's find out in next chap😉😉
Stay tuned guys!!!
Hope you liked it...

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