The bullies

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After i came with seomin i quicky went into the washroom and i said her to wait outside
And then i saw my self in the mirror
"Aish,what did just happen"??
I was getting flashbacks of what was happening before
maybe he was just helping you y/n! why are u overthinking... but what's with that stare?
Before i could think more,my thoughts were broken by seomin who was waiting outside
"Yeah,done" i said and came out
Seomin was seeing me with a teasing look and hit me play fully "Yaah! Stop it!"
She chucked
As we were going i saw a girl with her friends staring us with a grin on their faces as if they r going to kill us soon...
But we just brushed it away and walked towards the cafeteria.
And when i entered i saw jimin winked at me and signalled me to sit beside as he kept place for me. we all had fun together having our lunch.


'Morning!!!' I said to myself and woke up hoping my day will be good and thinking about yesterday, my heart started to be flattered and i then face palmed myself.
"Y/n-ah u woke up early today??" my mom was shocked
"Yes omma!" I said chuckling
"R u ok? Why r u so pink do u have fever?" My mom asked while keeping her hands on my forehead.
"Oh no! I am alright omma! Dont worry omma! Saying i left to get ready
After i had my breakfast my mom gave me a hug. when i stepped out of my house as usual jimin was waiting for me
Aish this boy is just making me feel different! I sighed
He greeted my mom and we left, our walk was silent as both of us were little shocked by yesterdays thing but he kept looking at me...and finally we reached seomin's house where v and seomin were waiting for us to come. And we started walking for our university.

In the university

It was break time and me and seo min thought to use washrooms we informed rose and Lisa and we left.

When we both entered the washroom we saw the same girls it was like they were waiting for us.

"Whatcha bitches? Acting smart huh??"
She stopped us and closed the doors behind us.
"What the hell just let us go!?" Seomin shouted
"Shut up u dirty bitch! no one asked for your stupid opinion!" Another girl said with a harsh tone.

I got furious for their arrogant behaviour
"If we r silent that doesn't mean that we cant do anything, Just shut your dirty mouths and give us way!?" I said in an angry tone
"Oh!!y/n acting more smart huh, Oh I'm scared!" She said as her minions laughed
"How dare you go near him and seduce him??"giving me a glare
"Who the-" i was cut by her
"Just shut up!! Do u know who I am??" She asked with a proud tone
"A piece of garbage!" I murmured but unfortunately she heard threw water on me!
"This is what u get miss!" She said after throwing water on my face
"With that dirty face u r talking to us like this!? How dare you!?" The other girl spatted.
"Well i am soe ra!" The one who threw water on me said proudly
"And i am yejin!" The other girl said with a proud look
"Stay away from them!" Both said in union and grabbed our hair hardly, we tried to escape but couldn't help and fall on ground!
Both of them laughed with their minions and left us....
Before leaving they said " dont you dare talk about this to someone else" and they closed the door on our faces
Seomin was unconscious as yejin hit her againts the door and fell on ground...
I was all wet and i got hurt on ny knees as i fell on ground so harshly
I took seomin to our campus nurse and waited for her

Jimins pov
The breaktime was almost over but y/n and seomin weren't back.
Me and v were worried if while our thoughts were broken by the ring of the bell and 2 unknown girls came to us
"Hey boys!!" They said
"Excuse me?" Tae said confused and kinda irritated
"Oh I'm soe ra"
"And I'm yejin!"
"Um so?" I asked a bit irritated as I'm not in a mood to talk with them..
"Why do we hang out together ??" Soe ra said while coming close to me and yejin staring at tae as if she is gonna eat him..
"We don't have time for these shits so no thanks!" Tae intrupted her.. and soon the bell rang and they both went back to their places and stared at us.
But our mind were only on the two empty seats...
Even rose and Lisa didnt know about this and started getting worried...
I couldn't concentrate on my class too bcoz of this so me and v escaped from the class and started searching for them
We both went in different ways to search them......

And on my way,
I found a familiar face.....I was shocked.....


will they find out?? Stay tuned to know!

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now