More than friends?

34 7 0

Y/ns pov
After we got our flower we started working upon it....i was wondering of what jimin told before sometime
"Soon" what does he mean by that??
Soon my thoughts were broken by jimin as he asked me about something "y/n ,ms mejiwoo is giving some supplies we may need it why dont u bring it" jimin said
" Oh ya sure" i replied with a smile and went to bring the supplies oh common
y/n stop overthinking, he just joked y are u taking it serious tho
while i was going back
I saw mark and lisa, when i waved at lisa i saw mark looking at her as if there is no Tomorrow 🤭 "cuties"
Next plot there were rose and beomgyu
They both were smiling at each other
"Aww! How cute"
Then i saw seomin and v
V was doing all aegyos infront of seomin
Which was melting her and she was telling him to stop, but he didnt.
Aish these both🤭"cute"
Finally i went to jimin who was waiting for me ,
"Hey y/n what took u so long?" Jimin asked
"Aah nothing I was just seeing what our frnds were doing" I said
"They all look so cute u know" i added🤭
He chuckled
"And what about us huh? "He came close to me as his hot breathe reaching my neck and his scent hitting my nose!
"What do- " i was cut by seomin as she called me and jimin took himself back, she rushed towards me As she didn't know what supplies she needed.

Jimin pov

When y/n came back i saw a smile on her face which made me happy too
When i asked her the reason she said she found everyone cute with their partners
I tried to go close to her but....
I was interupted by none other than
Dont you have any other time??? Aish this girl,I sighed.....
Meanwhile v came to me and sat beside me
"Hey jimin-ah" he hit my shoulder playfully
"Heyo taehyung-ah!" I hit his laps playfully
"How is it going on with seomin??" I asked
He blushed
"Its going on well jimin,seomin is such a sweet and lovely person i have ever met she is just--"
"Ok Ok bro i got how u feel about her"
I cut v and gave him a teasing look and said "i guess my bro has got feelings for someone huh😏😏😏!!"
"I cant say no jimin but i think YES I HAVE FALLEN FOR SEOMIN!!! Since the day I met her.I found she is different and also she is my type" his cheeks turning red and smiling....
"And what about u jimin? How is it going on with u??" V asked
"I wanna spend time with her tae but i am not getting that chance" i sighed

"Don't worry! u will get it!!" V smiled And went back as seomin and y/n were back as y/n came near me my heart was beating fast..... Why r u doing this y/n my thoughts were broken as y/n called my name and asked "are you ok"
"Yes,come lets start the work"
I wanted to talk with her....

"So y/n from when did u start living here?" i asked starting the conversation
"Huh! Oh, Well...... My dad's business mostly contains travelling so he stays out of town for business purposes, same goes with seomins dad, our families are close since we were small. we studied in same school and now in the same university too... She is my dearest frnd!❤️
And our moms our very close too both treat us as their daughters
So as our dads have to go abroad for works we had to shift here, so now we all live together its been 6 years since we are here" y/n said while doing her work but i was looking at her "what about u guys?" She asked
"Actually we r cousins, before we used to live together in a town and our dads used to tour for business but they wanted us to study in the best university so we had to move here" i said
Then y/n looked at me with a smile and i was staring at her eyes and then i noticed her hair was disturbing her i went close to her and took her strand and kept behind her ears and kept looking at her....

I couldn't control my self but kept staring at her

Seomins pov
As the time for our work was done lisa and rose came to me and said they were going with their partners to cafe and asked us to join
"Ok!! I will ask y/n and jimin to join with u guys..."
And they left, me and V went to jimin and y/n.....
And i saw jimin was very close to y/n, just killing her with his stare holding her hair strand behind her ear, As if the time was frozen for them!!
I could feel y/n, she was shocked and was freezed but jimin was.....😏
I cleared my throat and they both came back to senses.
Jimin went back and y/n came near me as i know she was embarrassed.
I signalled v to wait in cafe as we will be joining later....
And he understood and took jimin to the cafe....

Author's POV
Jimin's mind was filled with thoughts...
Are we really meant to be more than friends?

Hope u guys enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned for the future of these partners 😉

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