Project Partners?

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I woke up to the sound of my noisy alarm and then got ready for my day! And I wore this...

When I was having my breakfast I heard my mom talking with someone it was none other than Jimin!! Wth is he even doing here??  I was intrupted when my mom calling me, "y/n!! Eat fast Jimin is waiting for u!!! Taehyung will be here soon!! U have to...

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When I was having my breakfast I heard my mom talking with someone it was none other than Jimin!! Wth is he even doing here??  I was intrupted when my mom calling me, "y/n!! Eat fast Jimin is waiting for u!!! Taehyung will be here soon!! U have to reach university on time!!!" I immediately said " yes mom!!".
After I was done I went out with Jimin
"Hey good morning y/n!"
"Good morning Jimin" I greeted him back.
We thought Taehyung will be coming but Jimin said that he will be waiting for us at seomin's house.
When we went to seomin's house there we saw them talking while waiting for us...

Seomin's POV

When I was waiting for y/n, Taehyung popped in front of me! "Hey seomin!"
"Hey! Where are y/n and Jimin?"
"Ah they will come soon!" He replied while winking
"Aah alright..." I was just staring at him in shock when suddenly Jimin shouted..
"Taehyung-ah we're here!"
After they came we went to university by walk as we had a lot of time... We just chatted around and finally arrived our destination.

When we went towards our locker we found that thier lockers are just opposite of ours!

Soon our classes started, we almost have same classes except for 2. We went to our first class.


In our second class we sat with Lisa and rose. They were such fun people to be around. But soon one of the teacher came in our class with an announcement
"Hello students, so there is an announcement for you guys, our university had planned to provide an environmental educational club called ECO CLUB. So students have to pair up with one of their fellow mates where the pair must contain a boy and a girl. And every student must take part in this club." Saying so the teacher left. Soon all the students started to murmur about this club and now the problem is who is going to be my partner???, seomin intrupted my thoughts..
"Hey! Doesn't it sounds great??"
"Yaah but...who do u think u will pair up with" as I said that her her expression changed. The bell rang and now its lunch time.


Seomin, rose, Lisa and me were sitting in the cafeteria. Lisa spoke up,
"Guys! This club sounds good right!"
"Yaah and I can try to pair up with my crush!!!" Rose squeezed like a child
"You have a crush???" Me and seomin shouted in shock
"Oh ya I forgot to say u people as we spend less time...😅" Rose was almost blushing at the topic of 'crush'
"Sooo spill the tea lady" seomin wiggled her eyebrows and smirked at her.
"So... Um... His name is.. beomgyu" she replied with a pink tint on her cheeks
"Aooooowwwww" me and seomin teased her... While we were teasing her I found Lisa a bit quiet...
"So Lisa spill ur crush too" I raised one of my eyebrows and smirked at her.
"Huh! How did you know?" She asked in shock
"I can see it girl" I said with a smirk
"Um.. so it is mark " she said blushing
"Omg!!" Soemin snapped
They both just chuckled..
"So when r u both gonna be in relationship? Huh?" I asked
"Maybe if we become the club parters " Lisa said blushing
We all just laughed and ate our lunch.
And again went back to our classes and when I was in the class Jimin suddenly stood in front of me,
"Hey! " He greeted
"Hey Jimin!" I smiled
"Like can we-" he was cut by seomin's shouting saying that the teacher has arrived!
"Ah let's talk some other time bye!" I said while sitting in my place.

Jimin's POV

Aaahhh this was the right time I could ask her !! Soemin!!! Y must u ruin it??(this happens further in the story too😂😂😂 u Will come to know soon)
The whole class I was thinking about it. I think even Taehyung is in the same thoughts... I just sighed.


The whole class my mind was with the question 'who will be my partner?' I was just staring at the teacher blankly. Soon the class was over and time to go home. As me and seomin were at the gate waiting for Jimin and Taehyung, we saw some seniors beating some person when one of the members caught us staring at them he was about to come near us but suddenly Jimin dragged me from there and ran out of the university and then I realised that seomin was pulled by Taehyung.
"I think we are just in time " Taehyung said breathing heavily
" Thanks Taehyung... Thanks Jimin..." As I said Taehyung replied "aah it's not a problem but... I have a problem"
"What's that?" I questioned him
"U Calling me Taehyung.... Just call me tae or V " I just chuckled and nodded.
As we were on our way tae broke the silence saying  "so whom did u both choose as ur partners for the club?"
" No one we r just thinking about that" seomin replied
"Y don't we become partners??" Jimin snapped looking at me
"And we both?" Tae said looking at seomin. We were shocked at first but then seomin said "sure! Y not!" I was shocked at first me and Jimin??? It will be fine I guess.... "like we know them more than other boys In our class so its not a big deal..." seo min said
"Y-yeah! Sure" I replied both of them smiled widely, "then this is going to be great" Jimin said looking at me with his smirk  can't you just speak without that smirk??? It's just making my heart pound!! Let's see how this goes....


Hey guys! Hope u enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned to find what happens this partner thing goes on.....


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