Job and our group discussion

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I saw that I was selected for xxxxx company which we applied yesterday, I quickly tried to wake seomin..
"Seomin-aaaaah!!!! wake up!!!"
She groaned in pain as I was hitting her hardly with my pillow
"What is it y/n??, Why must you disturb my beautiful sleep??!!"she said while I was shaking her body
"Yaaaaaaaaaaah!!! check your mail fast pabo!!! we are selected by the company!!" I said hitting her hard

"Ohhh that's great... wait what!!?? we wha-" I showed her the mail as I already opened it coz of course I knew her mail ID
"Oh my gooooood!!!!!" we both shouted and hugged each other, we didn't know that we were so loud that we woke the others..

"What happened?? Is everything alright? why the hell are you guys shouting in the morning" jimin said in his morning voice, making my heart flinch..
"Did u guys check your mails yet?" I asked
"No, is there something special?" Tae asked
"Aish, just go and check it already!?" seomin said
They left the room with a confused look to check their mails in their phones

After sometime we heard them screaming, which meant they even got selected!!
We all group hugged together while jumped

"Ok ok guys we have to get ready for interview as we have it today itself, if we don't get there on time our first impressions won't be good, just prepare yourselves and get formally dressed up!" I said

Author's POV

They all agreed and went to get themselves ready..
They took a taxi to reach the company and the whole ride was silent coz they were hella nervous as it was their first time to give any interview and they were preparing for their interview in the whole ride
Finally they reached the destination and the company looked like this👇👇👇

They took a taxi to reach the company and the whole ride was silent coz they were hella nervous as it was their first time to give any interview and they were preparing for their interview in the whole rideFinally they reached the destination and ...

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Finally they went in for their interview wearing something formal

Finally they went in for their interview wearing something formalY/n:

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Seomin :

Seomin :

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