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Y/n's POV

Now we are in front of the biggest university.

Now we are in front of the biggest university

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My heart started to beat faster. Me and seomin headed towards the principal's office to collect our time table. After collecting our schedules and greeting our principle we walked towards our lockers.
"Hey just wait for me i will just be back!" Saying so seomin ran to the washroom, I just chuckled and kept some of my books in the locker but when I turned back I bumped into a person and locked my eyes with 'oh! Man! Isn't he the same boy I saw in the bus?' I quickly bowed " sorry! I'm really sorry I didn't see!" The other person was also apologizing " ah its ok and even I'm sorry for not seeing " he said giving me his eye smile 'cutee'.
"Hi!My name is Park Jimin, nice to meet you"
" myself Kang y/n , nice to meet you too" I tried not to blush.
"Are you new here too?"
"Aah yes " just then someone called out his name,
"Hope me meet again y/n! Bye" he smiled and went.(we meet again?,Aah y/n stop overthinking)
Just then seo min came back from the washroom so we moved on to our first class.


Seo min's POV

Now as we are in the same class me and y/n sat together. When the teacher told us to introduce ourselves, then I noticed that the two boys whom I saw in the bus were beside us!
"Hello everyone! I'm Jimin nice to meet you all"
"Hello everyone! I'm taehyung nice to meet you all"
Me and y/n threw a glance at each other and gave our intro
"Hello everyone ! Myself seomin hope we get along well"
"Hello everyone Myself y/n glad to to meet you all"
After everyone's intro the class started and it went well... 'not bad'
Then we had our first lecture which wasnt too boring our teacher was very friendly too!!

~~In the cafeteria~~

Me and y/n were having our lunch until two girls showed in front of us with cute smiling faces.
"Hello I'm Lisa!"
"Hello I'm rose! Can we join u?" They said
"Of course! We would be glad! " y/n said exited.
We four were having our lunch happily and even exchanged our numbers! We had a great time together😁
And then we hear our bell and we get back into our classes!!

Y/n's POV

Finally!! Our lectures were done for today and it was time for us to go home . Me and seomin planned to go by walk so we were just chatting and walking. When we reached seo min's home we found that there were no one, "I think she went out just come with me seo min" when we entered our house we heard many gigglings and laughters when we entered we saw two young ladies with our moms.
"OH dears u r home? Ok so they r our new neighbors, Mrs.Kim and Mrs.Park" Mrs.lee said.
"Hello and Mrs.Park " me and seo ra both said at a time
"Meet my daughter Kang y/n" my mom introduced me as I smiled
"Meet my daughter lee seomin" Mrs.lee continued
"Aww your daughters are so pretty just like you😉" commented. Our moms just laughed, suddenly we heard some footsteps from behind,
"Aah they r just in time!" Mrs.Park exclaimed
" Meet your new friends, Jimin and Taehyung!" Mrs.Park exclaimed.

We were stunned! We froze for a freaking second thinking they are our new neighbours!!!!! Me and seo min looked at each other and then we greeted them! They gave us a sweet smile"aish"
Before we go to our living room Jimin whispered something in my ears teasingly "we meet again kang y/n" i tried my best not blush thinking what was happening to me!!
And meanwhile taehyung giving his boxy smile and greeting seo min( i could notice that she was trying her best not to blush too🤭🤭)
And we moved towards living room


Mrs kang mrs lee

Me. Jimin

Seo min. Taehyung

mrs kim. Mrs park

Lets see what happens further!!!😉😉😉See you in next chapter 😉

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