Finally the day has come....

14 7 0

Author's POV

Days passed, and now all the 4 were comfortable with their works and when they said their parents, they were happy as after them they r the only one who will look after their company....
Every day they shared with each other about what happened on that particular day.
They also made friends in their office which made them more comfortable.....
Today was an usual day for them
But little they did know😏

End of author's pov


"Tring!!" it was as usual my alarm who made me wake up, I went in and did my daily routine and went down to make breakfast, sometimes v helped me in cooking but those rest both as usual sleeping
Aish these both

Time skips
We all had our breakfast, waved our good byes and went to office

Time skip
At canteen
Yeonjun came and sat beside me, we became quite close during this time period, so me, seomin, yeonjun And soobin would always enjoy our time during free times and it was fun to work with them too
We started having our lunch....
They almost are like me and seomin who tease each other and have fun and all the small things we do together
And of course v and jimin are the same too...
But these days jimin is behaving weird towards me, idk what's gotten into him, he is not talking in the same way as he used to..
Morning his mood will be fine but when it's evening or the time when we return back, He seems to be in a bad mood
I tried to talk about this to v, he said that there's some girl in his office who always gets clingy with him and always stays closer to him as their boss gave her the work to assist him.
When he said that I suddenly felt something in my heart but couldn't know what is...
Probably he has a lot of work to do... I just don't want him to be like that... I understand he is stressed but that doesn't mean he will behave like that and I don't understand why only with me....
Today I will try to talk to him..
My thoughts were interrupted until
"hey y/nie, r u alright?", yeonjun asked tapping on my shoulder
"In thoughts filled with jimin" I said under my breath so that no one hears it
"Ah, nothing just thinking about the work" I lied
"Aish come on y/n u can't be like in this, don't take much stress ok", yeonjun said smiling
And others said yes agreeing with him
"Aish ok, come let's have lu-" I was saying until a phone call interrupted me

And it was from JIMIN Without wasting a single moment i picked his call and went away from our table..
On call
"Hey jimin"
"Hey y/n"
"I am happy u called me!"
aish y the hell did I say that?
I heard a small chuckle and I felt relieved cause I made him smile
"Had ur lunch?" he asked
"Yes, I am having with my friends and what about u" I said
"Yes me too" he said
~~~~Awkward silence ~~~~~~
"Y/n... if u don't mind let's meet out I need to ta-", his voice was interrupted by yeonjun
"Y/nie, come soon we don't have time! We have to finish your lunch fast!" said yeonjun
Aish I sighed
"I am sorry jimin, I wanted to talk but my lunch time will be completing soon, I need to go", I said
But no reply
"Bye...." still no reply
"hey r u th- ", my phone was taken by seomin and she cut the call

Meanwhile jimin's POV

It was break right now and I was with my friends having lunch
But all in my mind right now was y/n
I feel guilty for avoiding her since days, I didn't want to but my anger takes over me when I see that guy with y/n and of course office stress are aside
But I was fine with everyone except for y/n and I feel guilty for that, she tried to talk I with me many a times but I just hummed in response or just say yes or no
So I decided to take a step finally and talk to y/n
So I called her since she would be having break too

~~~the same convo ~~~~~
When I was going to ask her out
I heard something which made by blood boil
"Y/nie?!?" how dare he say that
I never called her that and he just met her and.....
She was with her friends or him!?!
I heard y/n sighing deeply and she said something
I was still in my thoughts but thought to reply but the call was cut?!
Is it that guy again?!
I was seriously frustrated and I rushed my hands on hair in frustration
That's it



Finally it was time to go back home. jimin would be ofcourse be mad, seeing his behaviour these days I don't think he will be in a good mood...
And also seomin is going out with v as she was helping him is some work.
"Are u really helping him with his work?" I asked seomin making her flinch
"of course y/n... y would there be any other reason" she said
"Fine just go then" I said
And she waved at me and left
Yeonjun was with me and I was sure jimin won't be coming with me today as these both won't be coming too but still with a slight hope I waited but no..he didn't come
Yeonjun waited with me on the stairs as I said a friend will be coming for me....

(Note:- y/n and seomin didn't inform soobin and yeonjun about living together with v and jimin)

"Y/n, come let me drop u, u can tell your friend to meet up some other time, it's getting darker, I can't leave u like this"he said
"Yeah u r right yeonjun, but don't worry I can go" I said bye and was going to leave but he held my hands and stopped me
"you won't hear me right, just come y/nie" he said and took me towards his car but suddenly a person came to us and took my hands from yeonjun and held my hands..
"Excuse me, who r u?" yeonjun asked
"Someone more close to her" the person said and took me and of course I recognised his voice
I was really very angry on him, But I kept on going where he was taking me, he wasn't even talking...
"Jimin stop it!! where the hell r u taking me??" I yelled
Yes it was jimin
"R u not angry on me or something, what's wrong with u jimin why are you behaving so weird with me these days Even I don't have such mood swings!!? I even thought u won't pick me up!
ok I know u r in stress these days but what did I do?? I mean if I did something, say me we will try to resolve it! but don't behave like this!!? I tried my best to talk with you, Fine! if that's what u want then ok! I won't bo-" I was yelling at him in one breath but I was cut
"One more word it won't be good" I was interrupted by his deep and cold voice

I gulped
And my surrounding was very creepy, it was somewhere in between alley
"J-Jimin wh-"

"I said one more word y/n, it won't be good" he said again
I remained silent
"U want me to tell you the answer right??
Then listen!" he said pinning me against the wall by my shoulders, my back was hurting and unknowingly a drop fell from my eye..
"I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU KANG Y/N! the day ever since I met you, I started liking you and I don't know if it was first sight love, I wanted to make you mine, but I stopped myself as I thought it wasn't the right time to do, still I tried many times, but it just made things awkward between us during our high school days, so I stopped myself and waited for the right time, But now it's is going out of limits.."
"Jimin-" I was again cut

"Let me complete y/n I am not done yet!
I was really happy thinking I would live with u and also work together with u in the same office but I was upset when we were seperated...
And yes y/n I GET JEALOUS WHEN I SEE THAT GUY WITH U, and again today when I Was talking with you he just...... nevermind
And yes I was late coz I had works and I had to finish those... and I rushed just to meet you! But I again saw u with that guy holding your hands, that's it I couldn't control myself and I just...."
He finally stopped and I was just dumbfounded, he backed off from me and started looking here and there thinking of what he just did in a nervous look
I was completely heated up, my face was burning and I was still processing everything and saw him staring at me
"Y/n, I REALLY LOVE YOU" that's when he pressed his lips on mine And I felt his soft plump lips
My heart started racing but soon i kissed him back..and
I didnt know when the kiss turned soon to a passionate one....
Finally we pulled away getting some air
And looked into each other's eyes and smiled..
"I love you too Jimin" I said and was blushing...
Suddenly he hugged me tightly as I hugged him back
We just lost the touch with the world and were lost in our hug...
This was so unexpected but I really loved that....

Finally he confessed
Sorry guys for making u wait sooooo longggggg for his confession😅😅😅
Hope u liked it!
Stay tuned for how things go on along with them

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now