A new journey of life

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Y/ns pov
It's been 2 years since me and jimin were in relationship, he has finally become the ceo of his dads company, he is taking caring of it and often teases me that I would be helping him after marriage as our moms did
I couldn't help but blush every time
He never fails to make my face like tomato which he liked very much
Even v and seomin were in relationship
We didn't say our parents about our relationship, as we weren't sure about their reaction
One day Jimin was in office working, while I was back from my work
I just made myself free on the couch and was drifting to sleep but I suddenly got a video call from my mom
"Hey mom", I said in my sleepy voice
"Were u sleeping?" she said raising her eyebrows
"I am tired mom, y did u call this sudden at this time?" I asked half closing my eyes
"This is about your life y/n-ah"she said making me look at her in confusion
"What do u mean?", I asked
"Is seomin home? call her, MRS Lee is also with me" she said making me more confused
I called seomin to come down
We both sat infront of the call
"Is everything ok mom?" seomin asked
We both looked each other at confusion
"So we are here to discuss about your marriage", they said making us shocked
"What???" we said in union
"We r thinking to fix your marriage soon, so we started looking for good guys", mom said
"Mom r u kidding me?? u didn't even bother to ask us??" I said
"Aigooo, that's why we r informing you now" mom said
"You both don't have anyone right?" mrs lee asked referring to boyfriends making us gulp
"Yes they do have" a familiar voice said from behind
And it was none other than JIMIN!

"Did he just hear?" I said face palming myself knowing what will happen next to both of us

Jimin's POV

I was returning home tired but excited to see y/n after a long hectic day, as one hug of hers will make me feel relaxed
As soon as I entered I saw y/n and seomin together talking to someone, so I stopped myself from calling her
The next sentence made my eyes widened as well as scared,
"Getting married and they r searching groom for y/n??!" I thought feeling nervous and scared of loosing her
"Does v know about this?" I called him and asked him to come to house as he was out for his work.
I couldn't control anymore and went to them and answered mrs kangs next question
Which made everyone shocked
"What?!", mrs kang And mrs lee said in union
"Who r they??!" both of them asked at a time
"We will explain everything, just give me few min" I said and immediately called taehyung

After sometime
We 4 settled on the couch as well as our parents, there was awkward silence filled in the room
I broke the silence and explained the situation continued by y/n, v and seomin
We were afraid what will be their reaction but the reaction which they have came out unexpected.

Y/ns pov
I was ready to face a furious mom and dad so I closed my eyes, but I felt someone patting my back, it was jimin who gave me an assured look
"Aigoooooo, y/n- ah , seomin-ah u could have said us already we wouldn't have bothered u much" mom and mrs lee said which made us shocked
And our dads nodded their head too
"Aish!! So you both were talking about y/n and seomin when We asked u about marriage thing?" mrs park said and jimin , v nodded looking at us making us blush
"Mrs kang And mrs lee already approached us, as u had someone already we had to say no sadly" mrs Kim said
We all sighed in relief that finally everything was settled
" aigooo, See these couples how cute I already liked y/n when I met her first and I wished to have a daughter like her", mrs park said making me blush and jimin smirked and winked at me and seomin hitting me playfully
"Yes mrs park, even I like seomin since I met her on first day, she will be perfect for my child" mrs kim said making seomin blush and v was looking at her with affection as if there is no tomorrow
Even our dads loved to have a son in law like them

"Fine we will be coming to meet you guys and fix your marriage " mr park said
We all were happy inside but didn't show it out
"And y/n, seomin tomorrow we will be bringing back u both to us to spend time with us and otherworks" mrs lee said
We agreed and saw jimin and v were sad about this thing

"Meet u tmrw, sleep well" mr Kim said and finally call was done

We just saw each other And weren't able to express our feelings,
And suddenly jimin lifted me and spinned me around and hugged me tightly as if there is no tomorrow

V and seomin were in each other's embrace too
We all decided to spend our last night together as bachelors

Hearing all these little did they know that someone was happy seeing them sad....
Excited for the next chap stay tuned😉😉
Hope u liked it😁

THE UNEXPECTED LOVE❣️ || JIMIN ✔️Where stories live. Discover now