The survival

15 6 0

Vs pov
I got a call from yeonjun and the phone was on speaker, everyone questioned him to saw everything!??
But he wasn't saying anything
"Yeonjun r u ok??"

"Hyung! I am alright, I am in y/ns frnds  house.. her name is ryujin...and she said y/n.........we all kept our ears close
Y/n was having a meeting today and ryujin knew about the place where it is!so as it is holiday for her,she drove her to the place...and while she was leaving I said to call me whenever the meeting was done..she agreed and said she will be done within 5 hours... She will call her after that they said their farewells and her frnd invited her to her house so I went..
Flashback end..
Now I am going to see that area plz put the call I will inform you... as soon as I reach the place my phone is ok now.."
We were waiting yeonjun to call back...

After 1 hr yeonjun called and wasnt replying at all for like 5 minutes
"Yeonjun can you hear me...hey yeojun r u there..."
Hyung!the place where y/ns meeting was being"he started sobbing..
"hyung is jimin hearing?" I lied him as jimin said me to say no...

"No yeonjun! say wt happened?" he started crying..

"The place is really  destroyed as the news showed, the building fell off and most of the people went to the hospital😭😭😭
We.... all....were....shocked...
No words...jimin fell down...
I caught him..seomin was sat on sofa shockingly.....
Hyung I am going to check in nearby hospitals I will call you later I am  sorry...."
And he left us..

Jimins pov
I was shocked, speechless and became numb with ,no words I was so scared that I couldn't control my tears
I was just unable to think anything now just I was just blank nothing was going inside my brain I just feel like I just want a Time machine..
And I weeped....Y/nieeee!! Where r u!!😭😭 v was there by me and seomins side...😭
3 of us were in tears!
I couldn't think of anything but y/n now that i forgot everything at this moment...

Vs pov
Jimin wasnt moving at all even though we called him many  times
He didnt respond
He was completely numb.....

Yeonjun called after sometime and he said weeping
"y/n wasnt there in that hospital too...there were some patients who were injured seviourly were taken to other hospital..."and started weeping😭😭😭😭😭 seomin also started weeping I hugged her...jimin was completely red his health wasn't good at all!! His eyes were the same as volcano!!I was in tears too!! Yeonjun kept the phone again as he wasn't able to speak was almost still there was no info about y/n ....😓jimin was...numb not speaking to anyone
We couldn't see him like that..anyone who would see him would cry..😭

Me,seomin,jimin were sitting on the couch...completely shattered,scared...
No one had anything since  afternoon....just lying and waiting if there is any further info..
And now it was almost night no info...
Suddenly jimin got a phone call from an unknown no. And he picked up..and it was y/n!????

Our heart bounced...
"y/n???? ( all 3 at a time)where r u?how r u? R u injured.??"
her voice was very weak..
"hey jimin..." and suddenly my phone turned off...
Oh no!!battery down!!! seomin rushed and dialed the same no. And handed to jimin.....

Jimins pov

"y/n... and tears started coming out of my eyes to hear her voice..
"Y/n r u there love?please speak up!"
"Hey babe...." Said y/n with a weak voice
after hearing her voice I was so happy...and i felt like my life came back!!y/n r u babe? I was still in tears..
I saw v and seomin hugging each other...
" i am alright babe...I am just a little injured I know u guys have so many questions in your mind.. plz put the phone on speaker..."

Y/n started speaking and my heart stopped beating..for some time
Flash back
"As ryjin dropped me to my place...I was still in that place.. and was having the meeting before 10 min.. of earthquake..we were ordered by the head of the company to go to a place which was faraway and there was a little effect of earthquake.. while we were on the car..we felt the quake and we came out of the car and started running to a safer place and while running I got hit my head to the branch and my hand started bleeding and my knee too the staff helped me reaching the safe tommrow I would be returning we had to attend the meeting so we did the meeting in a safer place..I didnt have phone to inform u guys too....
End of the flashback
Now I am ok, I kept the bandaid and applied medicine I am ok just in pain but I will be ok...the staff here helped me a lot"
Our heart came to normal beat we took a sigh in relief but still I was so sad y/n  got hurt.
i didn't want to show anyone so i kept with in myself
"I called ryujin she would be coming I said her to come fast..and said I will inform you guys so she didn't call yeonjun..." She continued

"I will be reaching now to the hotel back and grab my things and come there tmrw
So wait for me
See ya...."
And she cut the call.....
I took a deep long breathe...and sat......

Finally my y/n will be back to me....

The next day
Y/ns pov
Finally i and yeojun were back
I reached at afternoon so i thought no one would be at home
And i entered
But as soon as i entered

I was hugged my someone tightly that i couldn't even breathe
It was none other than jimin.....

"I am back babee....its ok i am fine..." I said patting his back
Jimin was in tears

He started placing kisses all over my faces and cupped my face
He kissed my injured forehead
Which made me feel relieved
We both were in each other embraces until...

Seomin and v came and hugged me tightly especially seomin

" I was scared to death u know, how could u do this to me", said seomin crying and hitting me playfully

"Aww,  see i am perfectly ok, dont worry" i said and hugged her back tightly

"Thank god u r safe y/n" said v and hugged me too

"Yeah, now stop worrying guys, i am fine ok lets eat now i am hungry!!!!"
I said pouting

'Aish this girl' was everyones reaction

And all started having our foods....
And had a good talk

Our boss mr kim namjoon called me too to know about me
I explained him everything and he granted me leave for some take rest ....

Finally i am gonna get some good rest

Hope u enjoyed this chap😉
Is y/ns life real going like roller coaster ride?
Lets see in further chaps

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