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We saw them drinking Soju constantly.
Me and seomin were completely stunned
Meanwhile jungkook tapped my shoulder and asked me
"R u ok?"
"Yeah, just wondering what has gone into them" i said in a low tune so that no one would hear it
I think they might have been hanging around....
We tried our best to not make them worry as they wanted to spend time with us... While we were eating and talking
Suddenly, we saw jungkook and yoongi shocked
We crunched our eyebrows and looked around and then we found Jimin and v standing behind us
"Hey y/n-ah *hic* what a coincidence right? *hic*" jimin said
" Yeah... R u alright?"
" Yes, i am completely fine* hic*"
ya ya I can see how fine you are I thought rolling my eyes..
I turned towards yoongi and jk..
"I think we should call it a day"
"Yes, i dont think they can go home in this state" seomin said
"Are you both ok with it?" Jk asked
"I think we should accompany u guys home" yoongi said as jk nodded
"No, its ok guys we live nearby" seomin said
"No! we are coming with you!!" Yoongi said standing up
Jk held jimin and yoongi held v and we started walking
While we were walking i could see how they were having a little trouble holding them..
Me and seomin chuckled at their cute reaction

Time skips

"We have arrived guys... Thank you" i said
"We will take them to their house" seomin said
"Ok we will be leaving now, take care!" yoongi said
"Thank you for the day " i said smiling

I held Jimin and went to his house while seomin took tae..

I rang the bell of jimin's house as
Mrs.Park opened it and was shocked to see jimin.

"hello! Mrs Park, I saw him in a nearby restaurant and thought of dropping him home" i said
"Thank you so much y/n-ah, can u help me to take him to his bedroom" Mrs Park said

I agreed and went to his room. Probably it was my first time entering his room
It was nice and clean...
"Y/n-ah, thank you so much i am sorry to bother you" Mrs Park said
"Its ok Mrs Park" i said smiling
"Come with me-"
"Oh y/n i guess i need to pick the call i will be back make your self seated"
"Its ok"
And then Mrs park left
How can i make my self seated beside a man who is drunk!?
I called seomin but she wasnt Answering my call, So i thought to leave
And when i was going...
Suddenly a hand held my wrist and turned me around And i fell on Jimin!!
"Jimin!?" I tried to get myself out from his grip but he was strong enough to not letting me go"
"Finally....i got...you" he said sleepishly
"Huh what?"
"You know how many times i approached you?"
"What r u talking about?" I asked
"Do u even know how many i stopped my self from saying that"
"Saying what?"
"And if i couldn't say that, it doesn't mean u can go out with someone" he whispered which I didn't get
"Y/n" he was coming closer...
My heart was beating fast, i didn't know what to do...
"Y/n I....." he was staring into my eyes
When i heard foot steps coming nearer
I tried my best to come out of his grip and i successfully came out
Hufff I sighed and was leaving..
Mrs park came in
"Oh, y/n! u r still here? i was looking for u, is everything ok?"
"Ya Mrs Park everything is fine"
"Thats good, come out with me he must be asleep"
Finally i said my farewell to Mrs Park and called seomin
Finally she picked!
"Yaaah, where are you"?
"I am at my home"
"Ya i droped him home and came back"
"Like u were able to handle it?"
"Yeah y/n v was almost sleeping"
( Seomins thought: he was looking cute tho🤭🤭, he was sleeping like a baby with his pout)
"Ok fine!!!!!"
I cut the call and ran home!!!

"Mom, i am home"
"Where were you???"
"Mom, i already said i will be late"
"Ya ok go fresh yourself and sleep tomorrow u have to go to university too"
I wish i dont....
"Nothing mom, good night"
"Good night sweetie, sleep well"
"U too mom"

I locked myself in my room and threw myself on bed thinking about the incidents happened today...
"Shall i tell seomin????"
nevermind, i will say her tomorrow
Aaarghh how should i sleep,

I got myself ready for bed and digged myself in my bed...
What was Jimin trying to say?
Suddenly i remembered the times whenever jimin wanted to say something but was intrupted
But what??
May be he was just drunk and was blabbering?
What was he trying to say

I pulled my blanket and slept with thoughts filled in my head...

I know you guys know how jimin was feeling 😉😉
But stay tuned guys!!

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