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Y/ns pov
As jimin and v said us that they would be waiting for us in our campus garden...
And me and seomin were sure that we wont able to concentrate in any class.
Suddenly lisa and rose came running to us and hugged us to know if we were ok
We gave them assurance smile and hugged them back.

Suddenly lisa spoke "Hey guys, Did u know about yejin and seulgi being expelled ?Do you guys know what happened?"

After hearing this, me and seomin were shocked....
And bell rang and we went to our class. In the class, now one more thing going on our head i.e they are being expelled

Me and seomin were waiting for our break and we also promised rose and lisa that we would tell them everything and ofcourse!! We did nothing which would harm anyone.
So me and seomin decided to tell them every thing.

But unfortunately they asked us to say everything in break at the sametime when v and jimin will be talking about it!????

"Like duh!! Why should this happen to us!?"
"Lets see how it goes on...." I sighed

Finally the bell rang...
Without even a blink of my eye Lisa and rose pulled us to the cafeteria

~~~~~In the cafeteria~~~~~

"Yaaah!! I know your are excited let us breathe for a freaking sec!???" I kind of shouted.
They chuckled
"You know we cant wait to hear what happened.. now just spit it out!!!!" Lisa said with a sudden change in her tone.

"Ok ok here we go..."
( We said them the whole story)
Both looked at us with shocked eyes
"Yaaaah!!! Dont look at us like that!!
Nothing happened to us it was just a bad day and we forgot about it!!"

"Y/n-ah!" Lisa hugged me with her in a dramatic way making every one stare at us.
"Seomin-ah!" Rose hugged her in a dramatic way too

We chuckled for their silly act "Yaaah! Stop it! All r looking at us!"
I said making every one chuckle

"But i didnt know yet one thing" lisa said with a confused look "How did our principal came to know about this?" Lisa asked
Thats when we realised
"Oh shit!!" Both said in union and ran towards the garden "meet u in the class"

~~~~~~~In the garden~~~~~~

Jimins pov

They are 10 min late!! Do they even know that we are waiting for them??" I said irritated.
I was intrupted by someone approaching us in a rush
"Aish these both" I sighed

Finally they reached us panting trying to hold their breathes. We have them some water.
(A/n- ofc they are gentleman, i mean why not)
I showed them my watch Pointing at the time
"You guys are 10 min late"
"Sorry we can explain" y/n said still panting
"Now could you please answer our questions!???"
"How principal came to know?'
"How did u guys manage to know?" seomin bambarded with questions.

"Yeah fine so...
Jimin dragged tae with him towards university campus
When we reached campus, it was empty. We headed towards cctv room were there was an incharge.
"Sir! Can we check the cctv footage?"
"Why" he asked
"Sir! We will even let the principal know it "v said
"Ok but i need a note from the principal as a proof" the incharge said with a demanding tone.
And we observed every thing from the start, we didn't see anyone pass near the washroom but then we saw those girls enter and then y/n and seomin entered..
And they didnt come out for an hour.
when they were leaving I asked v to stop who was controlling the footages I noted all the time and then I noticed something, and asked v to zoom in Before the door was being closed by them And then I noticed Soemin lying down....
Thats when all my thoughts got cleared.
We were suspicious about these girls from the start.
After sometime we saw y/n holding seomin and walked till the nurse room.
I can see v clenching his wrist.
I made him calm and noted all the moments which are needed.
And thanked our incharge and went to principals cabin.
After we reached, we explained everything to our principal and I handed him the note of the time moments.

After hearing everything, our sir said he would observe everything.

He was very proud and patted our shoulder "Good job boys! I dont know what those girls mean to you! But i am proud of you guys, keep it up"
Our principal smiled at us, before we left we asked him to talk with the cctv incharge about this as we were asked to.
We waved goodbye and left his office with a smile and a successful grin.

~~~End of flashback~~~~

Lets see how the girls react😉
Stay tuned...

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