Part 36😉

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Y/ns pov

1 week later.....

Now Me and Jimin were now officially together and r living together in oir new house
(Ik u guys are not so innocent so u can imagine what would have happened with y/n on their first night 😉😏)
After few weeks, Now it was time for my best friend's wedding and I was busy with the as Jimin...
More likely he was busy teasing and playing around me
Aish this boy!
When I was busy with work, Jimin come near me and was flirting shamelessly but then Seomin's mom called me out for help, I playful hit Jimin's chest and walked away but suddenly I started feeling dizzy, my vision became blurry and that's when everything went blank

Jimins pov

Y/n hit me and walked away but I saw her feeling uneasy, I walked near her but she fell on the ground
My eyes widened and I went near her and tried to wake her up but she wasn't responding, I picked her up in bridal style and rushed to hospital in my car.
Everyone were waiting for doctor to come out..

After sometime...

As the doctor came out I immediately approached him

"Doctor! is everything ok?" I asked

"Are you MR. Park Jimin?" The doctor asked and I nodded

"You need not be worried Mr.Park, y/n is alright, its just that...." the doctor stopped in between

"What is it doctor? Is there anything I have to do??" I said

"Yes of cousre u have to, you're gonna be a dad soon Mr.park Jimin so take care of her!" the doctor said, where as i was completely shocked

I was unable to stand, I was so very happy Finally I-I am going to be a dad,
I wanted to see y/n at that time and hug her tightly....

'Can I meet my wife doctor?" I asked

"Yes u can, but after sometime, right now she needs some rest"' the doctor said and i nodded

As soon as the doc left, all congratulated me, both my parents and in-laws hugged me,

V, who was super excited to become an uncle, lifted me in air and started spinning me around, everyone chuckled at his actions

But the one whom i want to see right now was y/n.

Y/ns pov

When I opened my eyes i found myself on hospital bed, I was so worried until the doctor said me the reason.

I felt extremely happy when doctor said me that I was pregnant! and I was curious to see jimin's reaction after knowing the news, As I was looking for jimin, the doctor noticed and said

"Do u want to meet your husband? He was eager to meet u too, I will call him but u have to take some rest" the doctor said and left as I smiled

After sometime i heard the door unlocking and i saw Jimin running towards me and immediately he hugged me with tears in his eyes.

I can feel how happy he was, seeing him made me emotional too.

"U will be the best dad", I said as I patted his back

"U will be the best mom too babe" he said placing a kiss on my forehead

Soon Others came and congratulated us

"Give birth soon y/n-ah!! i cant wait to play with my nephew/niece" V said excitedly and all of us chuckled

"Just wait for few more days Tae, you can have your own too", Jimin said smirking while v looked at seomin and she was completely red making us chuckle......

after 1 year

A/n's pov

Finally y/n gave birth to a beautiful daughter, who was almost two months old and was adored by everyone

V and seomin were married too and seomin was 7 months pregnant and all were excited to meet their baby too

In this year jimin had to go through y/n's mood swings such as bringing icecream at midnight and other food items (poor jimin XD) and he trained v for seomins mood swings, as he had been going through these

Y/n's pov

I was working when i heard arin crying and thats when i went to check on her and found her with jimin who was trying to calm her down.

"Jimin, I think she is hungry, let me feed her", i said and jimin handed her to me

when i was about to feed her, jimin didn't even move a bit

"What are you doing here? Go out!" I said as he was just standing there with a slight smirk

"You can go ahead I'll just watch my Arin from here!" He said smiling innocently

"yaaaah!!!!! u pevert go out, i need to feed arin", i said making jimin smirk

"do it babe, its not like i didnt see any", jimin said smirking making me blush

"yaaah!!!!" i whispear yelled making jimin chuckle and he finally went out

After I finally made arin sleep I went to the living roon and found jimin working.

"babe, need some coffee?" i asked making jimin nod and smile he kissed my forehead and I left to kitchen and guess what we were running out of coffee now


I went near jimin to tell him but as he was busy doing his work i didn't wanna disturb him.....

"i will be back soon jimin, take care of arin she is asleep" i said and left to shop to buy to buy some groceries. I took my car and left

after 45 minutes

jimin's pov

i was busy doing my work , until i heard a ring on my door

it must be y/n, with that thought i left to open the door but it was our guard who had fear in his eyes and was curious to show me something

what i saw and heard the next moment made me speechless and fall on my knees, tears started coming out non stop, i wasnt able to think anything and was completely shattered

y/ y/n!!!!!!! no, this cant happen!!!! i need to meet my y/n!!!

" sir, someone is now on the way to kill arin!!!! u need to leave now if u want ur baby and u to be safe, they will be here soon sir, u need to leave now, QUICK!!!!!!!" He said making me flinch

"B-BUT, MY Y/N....." I said with fear in my voice and tear rolling in my eyes non stop

"sir u need to be quick!!!!!!!! nothing can be changed now sir.... please take arin and leave.....and dont come back!!!!"

With that jimin took arin and left the city forever.....
A/n note -

what happened with y/n? who was behind this?? Stay tuned to know more!

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