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While we're talking about what will we perform next month we saw Y/N went to the stage and grabbed the mic so we looked at her actually all the people inside the bar is looking at her.

"What is she doing?"-Yeji asked.

"Obviously she well sing"-Yuna answered while looking at Y/n.

"When she's sleeping in the bed we made don't you dare forget about the way"-Y/N sang.

"Ohhh that gives me shiver"-Lia stated then our eyes darted in the door when suddenly a woman entered and went near her and jisoo unnie also went near y/n.

"You betrayed me and i know that you"ll never feel sorry"-Y/n sang and i think every word that she sang is for that girl.

I think jisoo unnie said something to the girl before dragging Y/N back to their table.

"Oh she's crying"-chaeryeong said then we looked at their table and we saw y/n hugging rosé unnie while jennie unnie is comforting her.

"I think that's her ex lover who cheated on her"-Ryujin said.

"How can you say that she cheated on her?"-Winter asked her.

"Well she sang the part you betrayed me and obviously every word is for the girl"-Ryujin answered.

"Oh the girls are here"-Soobin said.

"Hey good thing there's a straight in your group"-I said to them.

"Yeah but we're sure huening kai is the only straight here because he have a girlfriend named Yuna and the rest of us you know"-Beomgyu said making us laughed.

"Noona"-Yeonjun called jisoo unnie then she looked at us and went near us.

"Noona join us we will have a blast tonight"-Huening kai said to her.

"I'm sorry but i'm already done with the blast thing and my sister needs me right now"-Jisoo unnie said to him.

"You have a sister?"-Taehyun asked her.

"Yes the one that rosé is hugging"
-Jisoo unnie said then they looked who is rosé unnie hugging.

"Noona can we see her picture?"
-Hyunjin asked then jisoo unnie handed them her phone so we also looked at it.

"Noona can we see her picture?"-Hyunjin asked then jisoo unnie handed them her phone so we also looked at it

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"Can someone remind me that i'm not straight?"-Soobin asked.

"Wait i saw her before"-Felix said.

"Where?"-Jisoo unnie asked him.

"Uhm in new york yeah when i went there"-Felix answered.

"Well she stayed there and decided to go back here and that's a good thing for me"Jisoo unnie said.

"Unnie why is she crying? If it's okay to know"-Ningning asked.

"Her girlfriend cheated on her"
-Jisoo unnie answered.

"I knew it"-Ryujin said.

"Hey stop judging my sister Ryujin"
-Jisoo unnie said to her.

"I'm not judging her because it's obvious when she sang that song to the girl"-Ryujin said.

"Jisoo!"-We heard rosé unnie called her.

"Well i guess i need to go my wife is calling me"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Unnie did you already found a person who will play the guitar?"
-Giselle asked.

"Yes, and she's very talented person actually we're calling her an ace"
-Jisoo unnie answered

"Wow i want to meet her"-Jisung said.

"Soon just wait"-Jisoo unnie said.

"Jisoo"-Rosé unnie called her actually she's already behind her while jennie unnie is supporting y/n.

"Our baby is already drunk so we better go home now"-Jennie unnie said to her.

"Bye guys"-Y/n said.

"Hi ladies mwah"-Y/n said before she passed out.

"Still the same when she's drunk"
-Lisa unnie said.

"Let's go this baby is so heavy"-Jennie unnie said causing us to laughed.

"Bye"-they said then left.

She's kinda cute and for the record she makes my heart fluttered.

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