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Next Day.


We're here now in the university, but Y/n is still not here her friends said that she went to rosé unnie and master jisoo.

"Yooji"-Y/n called me then hugged me.

"How's the visit?"-I asked her.

"They're doing good"-Y/n said while back hugging me.

"Are you two planning to attend the class?"-Yeji asked.

"Our profs is busy so we won't be doing anything"-Y/n answered.

"That's great"-Ryujin said.

"Not for y/n"-Someone said then we turned around and saw the mark guy.

"Go behind us"-Y/n said and we just nod at her.

"How the fuck can you go here?"-y/n asked him.

"Because i'm not doing anything wrong"-Mark answered.

"So do you want a evidence to prove that you made a lot of mistakes again and again?"-Y/n asked him.

"You have a strong knee y/n"-Mark said to her.

"Imagine i hit that knee using a hard wood but you still can walk normally"-Mark added.

"You said you just slipped"-I whisper to her.

"Later"-Y/n whispered back.

"I'll give you one year y/n"-Mark said and walked towards her.

"After that keep an eye to your surroundings or i might kill someone that belongs to your group"-Mark said to her then left.

"One year is a long time"-Seulgi stated.

"I don't trust his words"-Y/n said.

"Y/n you also need to relax even just for a month"-I said to her.

"But yooji"-Y/n said

"No buts kim plus you lied to me"
-I said to her.

"Lied?"-Y/n asked.

"About your knee"-I answered.

"Mianhe u just don't want Rosé unnie to be worried"-Y/n said.

"But you still lied to me"-I said to her.

"It's just once baby don't be upset"
-Y/n said and before she kiss me she looked at our friends.

"If i caught someone taking a video of us again you won't like what i will do"-Y/n said to them.

"Okay okay our phones is inside our pocket/bags"-Ryujin said to her.

"So what will we gonna do now?"-Yeji asked.

"Let's play, but i don't have any idea what game we should play"-Yuna said.

"Let's do some self defense thing"
-Jackson said.

"That's boring"-Chaeryeong said.

"It won't be boring if the person you need to beat is y/n's friends especially y/n"-Jackson said.

"So they will fight back?"-Giselle asked.

"Of course, so we won't get hurt"
-Irene answered.

"But we will get hurt"-Lia said.

"Okay we won't join just find a partner"-Y/n said to them

"We already have partners Y/n"
-Winter said to her.

(Btw the couple's here are Ryeji,Yuna and huening kai, Winter and Somi, Chaeryeong and lia, Ningselle, Soobin and yeunjun, Beomgyu and taehyun, MinSung, ChangLix, HyunIn and WooChan)

"Yooji who's your partner?"-Y/n asked me.

"I don't have any"-i answered.

"Okay i will be your partner, and you will be like the culprit"-Y/n said then our friends laughed.

"What's funny about that?"-I asked them in a serious tone then they stopped from laughing and i looked at y/n.

"I'm not a culprit"-I said to her.

"I know i will just teach them how to aim attacks"-Y/n said.

"No i will just watch you"-I said to her.

"Hard headed"-Y/n said.

"Stubborn"-I fired back.

"Jackson come here"-Y/n said then jackson went near her.

"Okay now we will start"-Y/n said.

When it's done i furrowed my eyebrows because in the end irene is her partner and their position is too close with each other's face.

"Okay that's enough"-I said and pulled y/n away.

"Yooji were still not done"-Y/n said.

"No, it's done and that's final"-I said to her.

I know they are friends but no their face is too close like they will going to kiss.

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