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"Yooji"-Y/N called her then Karina looked at her.

"Waeyo?"-Karina asked her.

"Remember i confessed to you yesterday right?"-Y/N asked her weakly.

"Ne you even kissed me"-Karina said to her.

"I'm also shocked when i did that"
-Y/N said.

"But i didn't regret it"-Y/N added.

"Get to the point Y/N"-Karina said to her.

"I want to court you Y/N i mean Yooji"-Y/N said to her.

"You wanted to court yourself huh?"-Karina asked her.

"Yooji"-Y/N said to her weakly.

"Okay fine you can court me Y/N"
-Karina said to her.

"But for now take a rest ok?"-Karina asked her and Y/N just closed her eyes.

"Sweet dreams my Y/N"-Karina said and kissed her forehead then exited her room.

When Karina got in the living room she saw her friends looking at her teasingly.

"What?"-Karina asked them in irritated tone.

"Sweet dreams my Y/N"-They said in unison and started to laugh while Karina just cover her face because she's blushing mess.

"She's just starting to court you but you already called her my Y/N, Unnie...."-Ningning said to her then smirked.

"Shut up"-Karina said in a serious tone so they went quiet.

"Oh why are you all quiet?"-Rosé asked them when she came out from the kitchen.

"Karina told them"-Jisoo said and released a deep sign.

"Shut up"-Jisoo said in serious tone trying to sounds like Karina.

Their friends was about to laugh but Karina glared at them so they just keep quiet.

"What sould we do now?"-Jisoo asked them.

"What about the agent thing?"
-Rosé asked as they looked at Y/N'S friends.

"What about that noona?"-Jake asked her.

"How did Y/N became an agent?"
-Jennie asked them

"About that she started investigating the culprit until we caught her doing that we suggested that we should make a group and have a legal permission"-Seulgi answered.

"Until we met them and we started working together"-Haruto said referring to Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunoo,Jungwoon and Ni-ki.

"How?"-Lisa asked them.

"What do you mean by how?"-Bambam asked her.

"How did you met them because they live here?"-Lisa asked.

"Oh we went here for one week and we met them"-Irene answered.

"Wait Y/N went back here before?"
-Jisoo asked her.

"Ne"-Irene answered.

"Why didn't she told me about this?"
-Jisoo asked.

"We don't know but our main goal is to investigate noona"-Haruto answered.

"She's really serious finding the culprit huh?"-Jisoo asked them and they just nod at her.

"But how about her studies?"-Rosé asked them.

"We're studying at home"-Seulgi answered.

"I guess it's time for us to leave now"
-Jisoo said then they stand up.

"Take care of Y/N"-Karina said to them.

"We will"-Heeseung said to her.

"Let's see her first before we leave"
-Ryujin said and they just nod at her then they went to Y/N'S room.

When they entered the room they saw Y/N sleeping peacefully.

"Tomorrow is weekend"-Ningning stated.

"Can we go here to visit Y/N again?"
-Lia asked them.

"Ah yeah sure"-Haruto answered.

"Bye Y/N"-They said in unison and kissed her forehead before they left.

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