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Morning camee...


"Wifey why are you vomiting like it's almost everytime?"-Jisoo asked her.

"Try this"-Jennie said and gave rosé the pregnant test.

After a few minutes rosé came out from the bathroom while lisa,jennie and jisoo are waiting for the result.

"So?"-They asked in unison.

"Hobby i'm pregnant"-Rosé said happily.

"Jinjja!?"-Jisoo asked her happily and grabbed her phone then dialed Y/N's number but it's just ringing.

"Aish why isn't she answering the phone?"-Jisoo asked.

"She's sick remember?"-Jennie asked her.

"Oh right, so let's go to their house"
-Jisoo said and they just nod at her then they went to the car.

When they arrived at their house they didn't saw Y/n's car or her friends car.

"Where are they?"-Lisa asked then suddenly Jisoo's phone rang.

"Hello who's this?"-Jisoo asked.

"It's seulgi"-Seulgi answered.

"Oh where are you?"-Jisoo asked.

"Where at the hospital we brought
Y/n here because her temperature went back to 40°C"-Seulgi asnwered.

"What!?"-Jisoo shouted.

"But she's okay now she just need to rest"-seulgi said that made jisoo sighed in relief.

"Send me where hospital so we can go there"-Jisoo said and ended the call.

"So where are they?"-Rosé asked.

"They brought y/n in the hostpital because her temperature went back to 40°C but she's okay now"
-jisoo answered.

"Let's go"-Jisoo said to them and they went back inside the car then they went to the hospital.


When i woke up i take a bath and went downstairs then i saw my friends watching in the living room all i can say is they are ready to leave.

"Unnie before we go to their house let's eat first"-Yuna said.

"Eh i thought you guys are ready to leave?"-I asked them.

"We're waiting for you unnie so let's eat i'm hungry"-Ningning answered.

"You can eat giselle and i will eat Ryujin"-Yeji said.

"Yah! Stop being horny right now"
-I said to her.

"I'm not horny i'm just hungry"
-Yeji said.

"Yeah right now you know you can eat whenever you wanted like always"-I said to her.

"If we arrive at their house i will tell Y/n that you don't like her"-Yeji said.

"Like she will believe you"-I said to her.

"Oh right she will if i will tell her that i saw you with someone and edit a picture of it"-Yeji said then i glared at her and i saw her gulped.

"I'm just joking karina"-Yeji said but before i could talk she cutted me off.

"I know it's a bad joke karina so sorry okay?"-Yeji asked.

"Let's just eat so we can visit y/n"
-Soobin said so we started eating breakfast.

When we're about to leave my phone suddenly vibrated so i opened it and i saw seulgi texted me so i tapped it.

Go here at ******** Hospital and don't ask questions anymore just go here because we're not in our house.

"Guys let's go to ********* Hospital"
-I said to them.

"Wae?"-Lia asked me.

"I don't know but seulgi told me to go there"-I answered.

"Okay let's go"-Hyunjin said then drove away.

Don't tell me Y/n is the reason why they are in the hospital right now.

Definitely You. (Y.JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now