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Morning came


When i woked up i saw my friends not the friends in the university my friends froma newyork.

When i woked up i saw my friends not the friends in the university my friends froma newyork

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"So we will also go to school with you?"-Ni-ki asked.

"Yes, btw why are you all here?"
-I asked them.

"Ask your friends"-Jay answered then i looked at Haruto.

"Mind telling me the reason?"-I asked them.

"Well Y/N they are also agents so we can work together and give justice to your parents death"-Haruto answered.

"Does your unnie know about you being an agent?"-Jake asked and i just shook my head.

"Wae?"-Irene asked.

"She won't allow me"-I answered.

"Don't worry we won't tell her"-Seulgi said.

"Thanks"-I said then we went downstairs.

When we got in the living room i saw my other friends ready for school.

"Y/N do you like her?"-Irene asked so i looked where she's looking at and i saw Karina unnie.

"You know tha-

I didn't finish my statement when Irene cutted me off.

"Yes i know but Y/N she cheated on you and you deserve to be happy"
-Irene said.

"Irene,Y/N we're also your friends so care to share?"-Ryujin asked.

"Ahh Y/N is denying that she like Kari-

I didn't let irene finish her statement when i pinched her waist.

"Kari?"-Winter asked.

"Don't listen to her she's just being judger again"-I said to her.

"You're so denial Y/N/N"-Irene whispered.

"Shut up"-I said to her.

"Unnie we will go now"-I said to Rosé unnie because Jisoo is still sleeping.

"It's still early Y/N"-Rosé unnie said.

"I know but we will just go somewhere"-I said to her.

"No stay and eat breakfast"-Rosé unnie said firmly so i just sat down and pouted.

"You're so serious unnie"-I said to her then she sat beside me.

"Of course, y/n when you arrived that's the first time i saw you in person and i wanted to meet you when jisoo proposed to me"-Rosé unnie said.

"But you declined the invitation that jisoo gave you and you said that you don't want to go back here for a while. Jisoo told me why did you went there and honestly i want to be beside you so you can have someone to lean on but jisoo told me that you wanted to be alone"-Rosé unnie added.

Well that's true because the pain invade me.

"I'm expecting you to come in our wedding day but you didn't come so when you arrived i wanted to stay by your side cause for me you're our baby Y/N"-Rosé unnie said.

"I'm already old"-I said.

"Who said that you're already old?"
-Jisoo asked me.

"Me just now"-I answered.

"No you're still our baby"-Jisoo said then the both of them hugged me.

"Okay okay but we will be late so pull out now"-I said to them then the both of them pulled out from the hug.

"We will go now"-I said then stand up.

"But you still didn't eat breakfast"
-Rosé unnie said.

"I will just eat in the university unnie"-I said to her.

"Let's go"-I said then we left.

I'm with my friends the agent friends here in the van.

"Yeah Jisoo unnie and Rosé unnie won't allow you to continue being an agent if they find out about it"-Seulgi said.

"But we can't blame them they are just concerned about Y/N"-Bambam said.

I don't want to hide any secret from them but if i will tell them about this all my time that i spend here will be nonsense so i will just hide it for now.

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