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Next Day...


Everything is all set. Everyone is already eating while Karina is finding Y/n everywhere.

"Guys did you saw Y/n?"-Karina asked them.

"And even Seulgi and Heeseung is not here"-Charyeong stated.

"They are just around don't worry"
-Haruto said to her.

"I already looked everywhere Haruto and i didn't saw her"-Karina said.

"Maybe she went somewhere or visited their parents grave"-Irene said to her.

"Okay but Master Jisoo is calling her and it's just ringing"-Karina said.

"Hey guys"-Heeseung said to them.

"Where's Y/n?"-Karina asked him

"She went somewhere"-Heeseung answered then sat down.

Karina is about to talk when they heard gun shot that made them alarmed.

"Find the gun man now"-Seulgi said to them then they saw Jisoo is bleeding.

"Jisoo"-Rosé shouted and they immediately went near her.

"Jennie get seb inside"-Bambam said to her and she just nod at her and carried Seb inside the house with Lisa.

"Let's bring her to the hospital"
-Haruto said then they carried her and went inside the van.

"Y/n answer your phone"-Karina stated.

"Seulgi try to call Y/n"-Karina said to her and she just nod at her and dialed Y/n's phone but it's just ringing.

"Y/n/n answer your phone please"
-Seulgi said.

"Fuck there's a typhoon today"
-Jackson said.

"Karina follow them in the hospital we will just look for Y/n"-Jay said to her.

"No i will go with you"-Karina said to him.

"Karina it's not safe plus there's a typhoon"-Irene said to her.

"Huening kai take Karina with you"
-Jake said to him.

"Karina let's go"-Huening kai said to her.

"Find her please"-Karina pleaded.

"We will do our best Karina"-Haruto said.

"Let's go"-Haruto said to them then they immidiately left.

On the other side...

Y/n is just waiting for Seulgi to tell their friends that it's already ready for the proposal.

"Well well look who we have here"-Someone said then y/n looked who it is and saw Mark holding a gun while smirking.

"Shit i don't have any weapons here"
-Y/n said in her mind.

"Waiting for someone aren't you?"
-Mark asked her.

"It's none of your business Tuan"-Y/n said to him in a serious tone.

"Oh look it's raining hard"-Mark said.

"Are you abnormal?"-Y/n asked her in irritation.

"Your head is hot don't worry your body will be cold as an ice soon Y/n"
-Mark said to her and shot y/n' shoulder while y/n is holding a metal in the bridge causing her to slipped and almost fall.

"Oh it's your parents death anniversary today what a good timing"-Mark said and hold y/n's arm.

"W-What are you doing here?"-The nurse asked him.

"I want you to do something for me"-The man said to her.

"W-What is it?"-The nurse asked him.

"Do you know the patient here named Jisoo Kim?"-The man asked.

"She's still inside the o-operating room sir"-The nurse answered.

"Call this number and tell her that Jisoo Kim is dead now!"-The man shouted.

"W-We can't do that sir"-The nurse said to him.

"But i can end your life so call her and tell that to her or i will kill you"
-The man said and the nurse just do what he said.

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