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While Mark is holding Y/n's arm he saw that Y/n's phone is ringing and he saw an unknown number calling so her grabbed the phone.

"Look let me answer this"-Mark said to her and answered the call then pressed the speaker.

"Is this Miss Y/n Kim?"-A nurse asked and Mark hummed.

"I'm sorry to say that Jisoo Kim is already dead he receieved a gun shot near at her heart"-The nurse said that made Y/n weakend so Mark ended the call.

"U-Unnie"-Y/n stated then a memory flashed in her mind.

"Y/n promise i won't leave you i eill stay here. Let's protect each other
Y/n/n"-Jisoo said to her.

"I will unnie"-Y/n said then smiled.

"I didn't protect her i didn't do anything to protect her"-Y/n said in her mind.

"Oh your family is already dead"
-Mark said to her.

"Now you're the only one who's alive so"-Mark added and pointed his gun to Y/n.

"Bye bye Kim"-Mark said and fired
Y/n's arm causing Y/n to losen the grip resulting her to fall.

When Y/n fell from the bridge right on time her friends arrived and they saw Y/n fell.

"Y/N!"-They shouted and they immidiately pulled out their guns and fired it to Mark.

When they made sure that Mark is already dead all of them looked down at the bridge.

"We need to save Y/n"-Haruto said.

"We can't do anything the river is too dangerous and we won't find her she have a gun shot and possible she's dead"-Heeseung said.

"Don't fucking dare to say that she's dead"-Bambam said to him.

"We need to go to the hospital"-Irene said.

"Y/N!"-Seulgi shouted and she started to cry.

"Let's go"-Jay said then they dragged Seulgi towards the hospital.

On the other side...

"Doc how's my husband?"-Rosé asked him.

"We almost lost her and the last word she said is Y/n"-The doctor said.

"She's safe now and you can visit her"
-The doctor added.

"Thank you doc"-Rosé said then they went inside the room.

"Hi baby, i thought i will lost you"
-Rosé said to her while holding jisoo's hand.

"Y-You won't lost me and our son"
-Jisoo said and hugged her.

"Baby"-Rosé said and hugged her.

"Ouch"-Jisoo said and Rosé immediately pulled out from the hug.

"Mianhe"-Rosé said.

"Where's Y/n?"-Jisoo asked them and before they could answer Yn's friends enetered the room.

"Where is she?"-Karina asked them and they just looked down.

"Karina and all of you"-Irene said while they are looking down.

"Mianhe"-They said in unison but you can hear that they are sobbing.

"Wae? Why are you guys crying?"
-Karina asked them.

"I'm sorry if we arrived when it's too late"-Jake said.

"What are you saying?"-Jisoo asked them and stand up.

"Baby just lay down"-Rosé said to her.

"No"-Jisoo said.

"We didn't save Y/n"-Heeseung said.

"When we are at the bridge she's already falling while she's bleeding and we saw Mark that's why we fired all our ballets to him"-Bambam said.

"Mianhe it's too dangerous in the river for us to jump there and save
Y/n"-Haruto said.

"N-No"-Jisoo said while Karina is already crying.

"Y/N!"-Jisoo shouted.

"This is the only thing left"-Seulgi said and handed Karina the engagement ring.

"She's planning to propose to you but Mark came"-Jungwoon said.

"Why did you left me love?"-Karina asked while sobbing so ningning hugged her.

Why can't we just be happy?

                           -THE END-

So how was it?

:Naah i'm just joking HAHAHAHA.

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