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When i arrived at the store i went inside and wait for Y/N.

"Yooji"-Y/N called me when she entered the store so i went near her.

After we bought some foods we went to the park because Y/N said that she won't go to their house for now.

"So Y/N where will you be staying if you won't go to your house?"
-I asked her.

"Me and mt friends have a lare to stay"-Y/N answered.

"You know master Jisoo might understand you now"-I said to her.

"Master Jisoo?"-Y/N asked me.

"Ne she said we will call her master"
-I answered.

"I want her to realize that finishing this case will give me peace"-Y/N said.

"Killing them will give you peace?"
-I asked her.

"I don't know but when i remember how my parents died it's like i wanted to make the person who's behind this suffer"-Y/N answered.

"Y/N you should avoid killing someone"-I said to her.

"Wae?"-Y/N asked.

"Do you think your parents would like seeing their daughter killing someone?"-I asked her.

"I don't know"-Y/N answered then looked down.

"All i ever wanted is to revenge them"
-Y/N said.

"They killed my parents even they aren't doing anything wrong to them"
-Y/N added.

"Y/N killing someone won't give you peace"-I said to her.

"But they have peace when they killed my parents"-Y/N said.

"Why are you so hard headed?"
-I asked her.

"I don't kno- wait i'm not hard headed"-Y/N said.

"Yes you are"-I said then i looked at the sky it's cloudy so i stand up.

"Go home already"-I said to her.

"Wae?"-Y/N asked.

"It will rain"-I answered.

"You go first"-Y/N said.

"You will go to school tomorrow right?"-I asked her.

"Yes because i don't have any choice"
-Y/N answered.

"Okay go home before the rain comes"-I said to her.

"Ne Yooji"-Y/N said then she smiled so i started to walk towards my car.

"Yooji"-Y/N called me so i stopped from walking but i didn't face her.

"I like you"-Y/N said then i looked at her but she's not looking at me.

"I like you to Y/N"-I said and went to my car.

Wait did i just left her when i also confessed my feelings towards her?

I'm about to go outside my car but it's started to rain hard like really gard so i just drove away hoping that Y/N is in her car by now.

I remembered that i will pass through at the area where i left her. I stopped my car and i saw Y/N soaking wet but she's still sitting.

"Y/N"-I called her but she did'nt heard me.

Aish she will get sick she's really a hard headed. After a few moments a car stopped and i saw Haruto came out from the car and dragged Y/N inside the car.

When they left I also left and went back to the house.

"Unnie where did you went?"
-ningning asked.

"I accompanied Y/N"-I answered.

"How did you know where she is?"
-Yeji asked.

"I followed Wonyoung"-I answered.

"Her ex?"-Winter asked and i just nod at her.

"I will go to my room now"-I said and started to walk in the stairs but i stopped when Giselle spoke.

"How's the kiss?"-Giselle asked that made my eyes widen so i looked at her.

"What do y-you mean?"-I asked her nervously.

"There's a lipstick in the side of your lips"-Chaeryeong answered.

"I'll go now"-I said and i immediately went to my room.

Wy didn't i noticed that?

:i'm busy tomorrow i don't think i can publish, but i'll try.

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