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While Karina and Y/N is still not in the basketball court they saw Wonyoung with Sunghoon not far from them.

"You said Y/N is a soft person"-Rosé said to jisoo.

"She's a soft person before she left."
-Jisoo said then she looked at Y/N'S friends.

"What happened to her in newyork?"
-Jisoo asked.

All of them become quiet but there's only one thing they should make sure that they won't know about Y/N being an agent.

"Uhm she's a cold person when we first met her it's hard to be friend with her because she's ignoring people who is approaching her"-Irene said.

"But one day we saw a student bullying our classmate and right on time Y/N arrived we thought she will just ignore it but it shocked us when she punched the bully"-Seulgi said.

"Then what happened?"-Rosé asked her.

"Of course we stopped her because the man's face almost got destroy if we let her maybe his face is already destroyed and unconscious"-Jay answered.

"Oh here they are"-Giselle said then they looked at Y/N and Karina who's holding the ice pack wrapped in a towel.

"What happened to your face"-Rosé asked her worriedly.

"The punch, my face is not a metal or stone tho."-Y/N answered and sat beside Yeji so Karina sat beside her and put the ice pack wrapped in a towel on Y/N'S cheek.

"Oh that sunghoon will play"-Ryujin said.

"Hope they will lose"-Y/N stated.

"Go play with them"-Jisoo said to her.

"I don't want"-Y/N said.

"Wae?"-Karina asked her.

"I might punch him again unnie"-Y/N answered.

"Yooji"-Karina said.

"Who's Yooji?"-Y/N asked.

"Does Sunghoon's real name is Yooji?"-Y/N asked again.

"No call me Yooji"-Karina Answered

"Karina is your name unnie"-Y/N said to her.

"Yooji is also my name"-Karina said.

(Sorry i prefer yooji than jimin cause it's cute.)

"Okay Yooji"-Y/N said then she looked at Sunghoon.

"Hey loser"-Sunghoon said then throw the ball to Y/N.

He thought the ball will hit Y/N but
Y/N catch it and immediately throw it to Sunghoon's face that caught him off guard so the ball hit his face.

"Not bad"-Jisoo said.

"Coach she hit me a ball"-Sunghoon said.

"You're also planning to hit her so it's fair Mr.Park besides it's your problem not mine"-Their coach said.

"Coach which side are you?"
-Sunghoon asked him.

"At our university and not yours"
-Their coach answered.

"I like their coach"-Chearyeong said.

"He doesn't know you and like you unnie"-Yuna said to her.

"HAHA Sunghoon's nose is bleeding"
-Giselle said.

"He deserves it"-Y/N said then stand up.

"Where are you going?"-Karina asked her.

"I'm gonna play if that's okay with the players"-Y/N said.

"It's okay for us"-Soobin said.

"So what's your position?"-jungkook asked her.

"I don't have any official position"-Y/N answered.

"You can shoot three points without miss and you can be a power forward"-Jisoo said to her.

"Expect to give the ball to you Y/N"
-Huening kai said to her.

"Thanks"-Y/N said.

"Let's win this"-Taehyun said.

"Fighting"-They said in unison then they went to the court.

"I hope she won't lowkey hurt Sunghoon"-Jisoo said.

"Prove to your ex that she wasted a treasure that only one person could have in the rest of his/her life"-Karina said in her mind.

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