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When Chiara left the building she doesn't know where she is and the people in the streets she's walking looks so dangerous.

"Dada"-Chiara said and a wind passed through her.

"Hey, little girl are you okay?"
-A woman asked her then Chiara looked at her and she saw a woman with a man.

"Who are you?"-Chiara asked them.

"Let's sit first"-The man said then they sat down.

"So, why are you alone?"-The woman asked her but Chiara stayed quiet.

"It's already evening, where's your parents?"-The man asked her.

"My Dada is happy because she reunited with her lover and also she have a daughter"-Chiara answered.

"Did your Dada want you to leave her?"-The woman asked her.

"I don't know, i just left her in that building"-Chiara answered.

"You're dada might be worrying about you right now"-Tha man said to her.

"No, she's already happy with her family and her own daughter"-Chiara said.

"But you're her daughter"-The woman said to her.

"She just adopted me"-Chiara said.

"But she never tell you that she doesn't want you anymore"-The woman said.

"I just felt like i'm not belong, Dada have a daughter and that's not me"
-Chiara said.

"Look, we know your Dada she's nice person and doesn't want someone to get hurt. You're her daughter and that's all it matter so don't leave your Dada"-Tha man said then suddenly
Y/n arrived.

"Chiara"-Y/n called her while panting.

"Go with her"-The woman said.

"Dada"-Chiara said and hugged her.

"Why did you left?"-Y/n asked her.

"I thought you don't love me anymore"-Chiara answered.

"No even i have a daughter you're still my daughter and it won't change"-Y/n said to her.

"So, who are you talking to?"-Y/n asked her and lifter her up.


Chiara didn't finished her statement when she didn't saw the man and the woman anymore.

"They're gone Dada"-Chiara said to her.

"Okay, let's go then"-Y/n said then they left.

"Jisoo taught Y/n to be a good father and i'm proud for the both of them"
-The man said.

"Now we're sure that they're okay"
-The woman said.

When Chiara looked back she saw the Man and the woman waving their hands at her and Chiara smiled at them then they disappeared.

"Granpa, Grandma"-Chiara said in her mind then smiled.

When they got back to their house Byul, Solar and Harrison immediately hugged Chiara.

"So, what happened?"-Solar asked.

"She got jealous and thaught that i don't love her anymore"-Y/n asnwered.

"Oh, that's not true River, you're there for Alex when she's sad, and we're sure that she loves you even you're just adopted."-Moonbyul said to her.

"I will just put Chiara in her bed"
-Y/n said to them, and they just nod at her then Y/n brought Chiara in her room and when she's already sleeping Y/n went back to the living room.

"Alex they told us if we wanted to live with them in your house"-Solar said to her.

"I don't know where they live i forgot"-Y/n said to her.

"Your sister gave us he address so do you agree?"-Moonbyul asked her.

"As long as the three of you will come with me"-Y/n answered.

"Great, tomorrow we will move there"-Moonbyul daid then they left.

"That fast"-Y/n said in disbelief, but also shrugged it off, because she's tired finding Chiara, so she went to her room and went to sleep.

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